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Helena's Dormitory, the Opera House.

"...and then he told me that I should take the day to reconsider it before he gives me his answer."

"Well that's bloody stupid. Can't he just be thankful you asked in the first place?" Helena scoffed, applying makeup in her bathroom as Y/N sat on her bed, explaining the circumstances of that morning, "I do suppose I understand his confusion. His physical affliction has probably made him chronically anxious and self doubting, and you are an angel of beauty and the best damn singer this country has ever seen. Not to mention you're of fantastic status and wealth, and incredibly intelligent, and kind."

"I think you are overselling me, just a tad," Y/N muttered, looking at the teddy bear in her hands, "I am emotional, horrible with French, and have no sense of style."

"Teddy, dear, that's why you have me," Helena said, rolling her eyes as she came out of the bathroom in her work clothes and daily make up, her blonde hair in tight curls atop her head, "I am your rationality, translator, and personal stylist."

"You really are my better half," Y/N joked, smiling, "Now what the hell do I do?"

Before Helena could give a sarcastic answer, two sharp knocks were at the door. Helena answered it, and found a mail carrier.

"Is Y/N of Winchester here?"

"Yes..." Helena answered, accepting a wax-sealed letter from the man, before he disappeared down the hall. Helena turned around, opening the letter in front of Y/N.

"I believe that's mine," Y/N stated.

"Exactly why I'm reading it aloud, Teddy," Helena answered, "It says: Y/N, my apologies for this morning. I would like a moment of your time tonight, after your performance, to discuss the matter further. From, Erik. P.S., tell Helena I said 'Hello'," Helena paused, reading the next section to herself.

"What else does it say?" Y/N asked.

"It says 'tell Helena I said 'Hello', and I hope she does not judge me too harshly for my actions when you recount it to her. I know her approval is temperamental at best'."

"Wow... he knew I would come running to you," Y/N said, shaking her head, "I guess I will see him tonight after the performance."

"What will you do if he says no?"

"Cry, probably," Y/N said, looking frankly at Helena, "Then run to costumes and hide in your fabrics closet."

"My silks and Indian cotton will welcome you," Helena spoke, assessing her, "You should change, and we should go out. When was the last time you left the opera house?"

"Four days?"

"Too many. We are in Paris, Paris! Let's go into the city and buy you some new make up and a new dress — either you'll wear it on a date with Erik or to impress some new French suitor. Sound good?"

Y/N nodded, and the two returned to her bedroom where Helena assertively selected a cream-colored dress with blue details. Y/N put it on without argument, and took a few moments to apply make up and do her hair, delicately styling it with blue ribbons to match the dress.

"You are a vision, Y/N."

"Helena, you are too kind."

The two play-curtseyed, before interlocking arms and leaving the opera — destined for the Champs-Elysees.


Y/N's day with Helena was perfection. They purchased four new dresses for Y/N, all white. Helena declared Y/N would, from now on, primarily wear whites and creams to "enhance her heavenly beauty".

Upon their return, Y/N and Helena quickly prepared the Prima Donna for another night's performance. They had been told in advance that several Austrian millionaires in the audience — they traveled together to see the show.

The show went just as well as any other night, and Y/N's performance was show-stopping the second her cloak dropped and the white dress was displayed.

As soon as the performance ended, she hurried to costumes and Helena began to dress her into a nightgown and sweater.

"You will tell me tomorrow over breakfast exactly what he says and how he says it — mental notes the entire time," Helena instructed, taking off Y/N's makeup in the dressing room, "Remember also that you are, in fact, too good for him."

"Thank you, darling," Y/N smiled, "Breakfast tomorrow will be my treat."

"Fantastic!" Helena smiled, patting Y/N's shoulders. Before leaving, Y/N pulled her sweater on. It was as white as her nightgown, and completely cozy.

She went back to her room in an anxious, fast-paced walk. As soon as she opened her bedroom door, she saw a familiar figure sitting in her couch. He was holding some flowers — or rather, a handful of lavender.

He looked up and watched as she closed the door behind her, locking it and placing her key on the small table beside the door. He watched her intently until she sat beside him on the sofa, her hands in her lap.


"Those are lovely flowers, Erik," She smiled, "I love lavender, especially in my tea."

He nodded, quietly, and looked at the blooms in question.

"I have given it more thought," She began, looking at hands — one, tenderly holding the flowers as another rested on  his knee — "Not only do I assert that I wish to go out to dinner with you, but I must more clearly express the fact that I am... that I feel an attraction to you. Furthermore, I sincerely hope that if you are to reject my advances, you do so out of concern for yourself instead of me, because I cannot imagine being nearly as happy without you as I am with. I also would like to add that I have never felt this way about anyone before, and I hesitate to believe I could towards another."

Erik was quiet, and staring at her dumbfounded, before saying: "That was... very British. In your wording, I mean."

"Please tell me you have something else to add," Y/N said, deflating, "I am really hoping for more."

He nodded, looking down with a difficult look in his eyes. Y/N feared the worst, and before she could hear anything else, she reached for the hand on his knee and lifted it. Erik was so taken aback that he let it happen, watching in curiosity and shock as she lifted his hand to her face and kissed it, before placing it on her cheek. He stared at his own hand, cupping her face, and her sleepy. hopeful eyes looking up to his.

Erik's mind went blank as he looked at her, feeling the softness of her skin against the palm of his hand.

"Erik?" She whispered, trying to understand the emotions behind his eyes.

She watched as he nodded, slowly at first, but then with confidence.

"Are you sure? Tell me you're positive that you want to have dinner with me, please don't agree for my benefit—"

He cut her off by using his hand to brush back a strand of her hair, smiling as he did so, and leaned forward to kiss the top of her head. He held himself there for a moment, and Y/N closed her eyes to savor it.

He leaned back, and whispered: "I think it is time for you to rest now, it is rather late."

Y/N nodded, and the two stood. Y/N expected Erik to leave, but he guided her to her bed and pulled her covers back, tucking her in. She felt more tired than she realized, and watched as he placed the lavender in a vase beside her bed, drifting further into sleepiness as he did so. He then came back to her side, whispered 'goodnight', and slipped away.

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