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The backstage of the Opera Populaire


The hallways of the opera house were full of movement -- ballerinas and backstage workers fluttered about with last-minute tasks, perfecting anything that wasn't already perfect. 

Y/N, on the other hand, was taking deep, strained breaths from her dressing room as Helena -- in a fit of determined and terrifying silence -- applied makeup to her prima donna. 

"I don't know if I can do this."

"You can do this."

"How do you know?"

"I know."


"But nothing," Helena interrupted, taking hold of her friend's face as she carefully applied eyeliner, "This is not your first time on that stage. Stop acting like it is. We both know the minute you begin singing, your fears will disappear."

Y/N remained silent, knowing Helena was completely right. 

Helena stopped suddenly, then whispered an expletive under her breath.

"What?" Y/N asked, panicked. 

"I will be right back!" Helena announced as she ran out the room, followed by her hysterically yelling "I NEED BLUSH" down the hallway. 

Y/N then heard three soft taps, to which she replied, "Come in!"

She looked towards the door and saw no movement, but a voice from behind her startled her as it said: "How are you?"

"Jesus Christ!" Y/N exclaimed, whipping around to face Erik, "You scared the living daylights out of me!" She scolded, taking her shawl and lightly slapping him with it, "Can't you see that I am on edge?"

Erik was unaffected by her stress, and instead smiled at her fondly as he leaned in and gave her a kiss atop her head. He pulled away only to speak in a whisper: "I came to wish you good luck, Y/N, but I know you will not need it." 

Y/N's heart fluttered, as she looked up at him, only inches away. His unmasked smile was incredibly comforting. 

"Erik..." She whispered back. She wanted to say more, but she didn't know what else to add. 

"Will you join me, after your performance, for a cup of tea?" He asked, still smiling, still unmoving. 

"Yes," She answered immediately -- perhaps too immediately -- and looked directly into his eyes. His eyes, she realized now, were a rich hazel. "You... you will be watching?"

"Of course," He responded. He was about to say more but he suddenly looked towards the door as if he heard something. Y/N heard nothing, but nevertheless watched as he opened the left door of her armoire and disappeared behind the clothing. As soon as the wardrobe door closed, her dressing room door opened to reveal her determined, blonde-haired friend -- now holding a container of blush. 


When the curtain rose, Y/N was center stage. She immediately began motion -- mimicking the choreography she had done so many times before over the last two and a half weeks. She was always at the front of the stage, catching the audience's eye in her white-accented dress. 

The first scene was one where the Carthage army returned from battle, and most prominently featured the chorus and Piangi. Y/N sang only supporting solos, harmonizing with the rest of the choir. 

Darling. (Erik/Phantom x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now