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The Grand Entrance of the Opera Populaire.


Y/N stood at the top of the steps to the Opera Populaire, scanning the crowds for a familiar tuft of blonde hair. Helena was leaning on a marble column next to her, speaking to her friend.

"How is it that you know him?"

"He owns a bookshop in Brighton that I purchased a fair share of novels in, and he is a fan of opera."

"So you sent him tickets to travel to a foreign nation to see you perform? Your generosity is astounding."

"You'll see when you meet him, Helena! He is so kind, truly — a bit socially awkward, but kind."

"Socially awkward? Sounds like your type! Erik has competition coming to town..."

"Nonsense! It's not like that at all, I completely do not view him in that way... in the slightest. He's blond."

Helena slapped Y/N's shoulder and gave her a look of disgust.

"Helena, darling, I'm sorry to break this to you now, but you're just not my type and we shall never wed."

Helena the back of her hand to her forehead and pretended to swoon in heartbreak. "How ever shall I move on?"

Y/N giggled and turned her head back to the crowd and instantly pinpointed Walter, who was jogging up the steps with a leather suitcase in hand and a big smile on his face.

"Walter, hello!" Y/N greeted as he arrived to the top of the steps, "Please, meet my friend Helena. She is from Sussex and the head of costumes at the Opera Populaire."

"W-wonderful to meet you, Miss Helena," Walter said, giving her a genuine and irresistible smile. Helena smiled back, and gave him her hand.

"Charmed, Walter. Y/N tells me you own a bookshop?"

"Yes, I-I opened it a few years back."

"How old are you?" Helena asked, "You look quite young."

"Twenty-one, ma'am. I am told often I look young. A-and yourself?"

"Y/N and I are both nineteen," Helena smiled, "We were hoping to get lunch before preparing for tonight's performance. Can we help you get settled in the dormitory and then get some food in the city?"

"Sounds wonderful. I-I'll follow you both, then?" Walter spoke, his smile shining again.

"Yes — come, come!" Helena cheered, waving the two to follow her. They made quick work of going through the opera house and toward the male dormitories, where Helena opened the door to an empty dorm room assigned to the costumes staff, and instructed Walter to go in and freshen up while she and Y/N would remain in the hall.

As soon as Walter closed the door, Helena grabbed ahold of Y/N's arm. "You didn't tell me he was adorable!" She whisper-yelled.

"I didn't think he was your type!" Y/N whisper-yelled back.

"He is not, but the ballerinas will be all over him!"

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