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The Opera Populaire


With performances Tuesdays through Sundays, Y/N's days are easy and carefree. She works only during the show, giving her the hours of daylight to do what she wishes. Over the past week, that has mostly meant spending time with Erik. They had established a routine in which he joins her daily, for lunch and discussion, leaving a couple of hours prior to the show. With each visit, Y/N felt her heart growing fonder. 

She hoped this would be the case with today's tea. Well, she was mostly hoping that Erik would keep his word and show up. 

Y/N had gone through excruciating detail to make sure it was perfectly set up. Her coffee table was now adorned with two three-tiered tea trays, full of freshly purchased baked goods and finger sandwiches. She had both black and green tea, and had completely cleaned her room into a state of pristine perfection. 

Helena announced herself not with a knock,  but with a dramatic entrance. Y/N looked up to the sound of her dormitory door swinging open, and there she was -- Helena, dressed in a beautiful pink dress, her blonde hair neatly styled in an updo. 

"If you are planning on wearing that, rethink your plans," Helena spoke as she assessed Y/N's outfit -- an old, blue dress. 

"Well, that was a bit harsh!" Y/N laughed, running to her closet and pulling out the dress she had worn to her last breakfast with her father. She then hurried into the bathroom, where she changed and did her makeup as Helena continued speaking to her from her bedroom.

"Your set up is quite extraordinary," Helena began, "If only your styling abilities were as blessed. Is this tea from England or France?"

"England!" Y/N called out. 

"Thank the heavens!" Helena responded, "Does he know how lucky he is? That you give real tea?"

"One can only hope," Y/N spoke as she opened her bathroom door, allowing for easier communication as she applied final touched of her makeup, "Please be nice to him. He is a sensitive soul."

"I plan on treating him like a friend."

"That is precisely what I am worried about. You insulted my outfit the moment you entered my room!"

"Well, you better hope he is wearing something better than you were. It isn't difficult."

Y/N chuckled and rolled her eyes as she exited the bathroom, now fully ready. 

"So much better!" Helena exclaimed, "My feedback clearly results in direct improvement. I don't know why you are so critical of it."

Y/N was about to reply with a remark of her own when she heard three curt knocks.

"Come in!" She exclaimed. Then, the two watched as the mirror slip open, revealing Erik -- dressed in fine black pants and a white chemise, and wearing a stylish cream-and-gold vest. He was also carrying some fresh flowers, which caused Y/N to smile. She walked to him and accepted the florals, then ushered him into her room. "Erik, I would like you to meet Helena. Helena, this is Erik."

Helena stood and extended a hand to Erik once he was close enough, and the two exchanged a firm handshake before sitting down. They were across from one another, Y/N sitting in between them. She immediately began serving tea, and was about to begin a conversation when Erik -- much to the surprise of everyone -- began speaking. 

"My sincere compliments on your craftsmanship, Helena. Your costume design is exquisite -- I was in awe when I first saw the dress you crafted for the second act of the opera."

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