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The Catacombs Below the Opera House.


Y/N awoke to soft, short outbursts of melody playing through the air. Instantly, she knew it was Erik, constructing a new opera by trying to locate the perfect notes, no doubt sitting at the same organ he was sat at yesterday when he was able to so easily take her breath away.

Carefully, she rose in the darkness of her room and straightened her dress out, then slipped on the loafers she had been wearing. She quietly, so as to not alert Erik she was awake and disturb his process, took the candle on her nightstand and brought it to just outside the curtain, lighting it with the flame of an oil lamp. She then retreated back into her room, lighting several candles as she went, until there was enough light to see clearly.

She looked around and noticed that there was no mirror in plain sight, but after a few moments of search, located one hidden beneath a thin, white sheet. She pulled it off used her reflection to straighten out her hair and make sure she was presentable. Then, she pulled the sheet back on, imagining Erik had his reasons for hiding it.

Finally, she deemed herself ready to see him (or, rather, for him to see her) and went to through the archways. She brought back the curtains and tied them to either end of the entryway, making no effort to remain quiet, but it seemed that Erik still had not noticed her by the time she was done and walking his way.

She froze. While she could only see him from the back, she became aware that Erik was without a mask, as his mask lay flatly on the top of the organ, beside a cup of tea.

Frozen still, she contemplated what to do. Certainly, she could not move forward and so boldly violate Erik's trust and wishes. However, if she turned back now she feared the shame would eat her alive within the bedroom.

She opted to announce her presence.

"Good morning, Erik," She greeted, and watched as one hand lifted from his work and took hold of the mask, quickly yet calmly bringing it to his face, holding it there as he turned around to greet her.

"I hope I did not wake you."

"Nonsense -- let me help with that," Y/N said, walking over to Erik to take both straps of the mask. She felt him freeze and go rigid as soon as she did, but she made quick work of taking the two leather straps and using their buckling mechanism to comfortably secure it on his head, "Too tight?" She asked.

"No, it is good, thank you..." He whispered, starting to relax. Y/N found herself standing right behind him now, a hand on either of his broad shoulders, and looked over his figure to study his work.

"What are you working on? A romance?"

"Yes, I have only just begun this one, but I am quite excited for it. The composition is coming out naturally."

"What's it about?"

Erik leaned back slightly and looked up at her -- an action which caused her heart to skip a beat -- as he stated plainly: "It's a secret."

"As is most things with you, I suppose," Y/N smiled, moving to sit beside him on his bench again, "How did you sleep?"

"Quite well," Erik smiled, "Yourself?"

"Marvelously, perhaps some of the best rest I have received in France -- it is so serenely quiet down here."

"I am glad to hear you are well rested, seeing as you will be expected back soon," Erik spoke, reaching into pocket to produce a pocket watch, "It is almost nine, let me take you back."

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