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Dormitory of the Opera Populaire.


Y/N slipped her thumb under the wax seal of her father's most recent letter, careful to preserve her family's crest seal, but swiftly due the excitement of his familiar (yet sloppy) cursive.

My lovely Teddy Bear,

Every night my conversations with Charles consist of only one thing; talking about how much we miss your presence in the Manor. He is so bored without your company that he is actually doing his work!

We miss you so terribly that we are overjoyed with our travel plans to visit you in the coming week. Our arrival is currently estimated to be Tuesday morning, and we have purchased tickets for every show that week... including your Sunday night finale performance, which will additionally be attended by his Majesty. He has expressed incredible excitement over the journey, prompted by your phenomenal Sussex performance.

I cannot wait to come and celebrate this triumph with you -- you have successfully managed to complete your first overseas opera season! I would beg you to come home, but I know you will no doubt be casted in whatever production is next at the Populaire.

Additionally, I am excited to meet this fellow you speak so much about in your letters to Charles and I -- not to say I haven't been concerned about my joyous, innocent daughter being corrupted by a Parisian man, but how bad can an architect be?

Give Helena my gratitudes and make it known she is invited to dine with us upon our arrival.

Love you entirely too much,

Your Father.

Y/N's excitement was frenzied, and she found herself giggling and jumping in her room, squealing about with excitement over her father's arrival. Picking up her teddy bear, she began waltzing around the room and humming a patriotic tune.

Finally, when the energy was worked off enough so she could focus, she threw herself into her desk chair and began feverishly writing her response:

Dearest Father,

How overjoyed I am at the prospect of seeing you again! I cannot wait to embrace you and Charles, and have you see my performance. I am quite proud of myself, and the reviewers have been kind.

Helena will be delighted to join us -- I just know it! We both miss the pleasantries of having fellow Englishmen around. If it weren't for her, I would have gone mad by now.

I will speak to Erik about having him dine with us, hopefully he agrees -- I confess he is painfully shy, but he met Helena and it went swimmingly. She even gave her personal approval, which I know means much to you.

You will be in my thoughts until Tuesday, when you will be in my arms!

Your lovely daughter,


Putting the pen down and blowing on the ink to dry it on the paper, Y/N's smile began falling. She deeply, soulfully hoped Erik would agree to meeting with her father.

Well, she would simplify have to find out by speaking to him. So, she dropped the letter on her desk, fixed herself, and began walking straight to Monsieur Carriere's office.

As she walked through the marble halls of the Opera, she politely stopped several times to say 'hello' to meanderers. The cast and crew were not yet preparing for that nights' performance, but a few tourists and the press were known for wandering in to catch a glimpse of the stars strutting through.

Darling. (Erik/Phantom x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now