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Backstage of the Opera Populaire's Theatre.


A flurry of French voices seemed to chaotically run around her as a series of French women ran around her. Y/N could sense from the moment she walked in that something was incredibly wrong within the costumes department, but her french was not good enough to eavesdrop into several conversations at once. It was not until Monsieur Carriere came in that she gained any clarity.

He tapped his walking cane, silencing the room and commanding the seamstress' attention.

He spoke in French, stating the following: "I know that Madame Fournier had an unexpected leave of absence following her husband's sudden illness, and that leaves us without a head of costumes. Do not fret, we are beginning the process of interviewing and hiring for a new costume director -- but as you al could guess, the industry is a bit short-staffed at the moment. In the mean time, you will all have to take your assignments very seriously and keep one another accountable -- yes, Prima Donna?"

He looked to Y/N, whose hand had shot up as soon as the issue was stated.

In rusty French, she responded, "I know the perfect candidate -- the head of costumes at my last production at the Sussex Opera House. I could get her here in a matter of a week, perhaps less?"

"You think she would take the job?"

"Yes, she loves Paris! Plus, she liked working with me, so I am sure I could rope her into it," Y/N explained, excited about the prospect of having Helena join her at the Opera Populaire. The idea of a friend, a fellow Englishman, was thrilling.

"Come, come!" He directed, motioning for her to follow him. She followed him down the hallways of the backstage, until they arrived in his plush office.

As he searched for letter materials, he began speaking to her in English, "Do you think she would really take the job and leave the Sussex?"

"Helena would love to be able to work year-round for such a wonderful opera house. Plus, she is quite the Francophile -- fluent in French from studying here. I would love her company, as well."

"I can imagine it is quite isolating to be the only Brit in the company," Carriere said, beginning to write something on a piece of parchment at his desk, "So far from home."

Y/N nodded, "Yes, especially with father gone now. But I think I will adjust very quickly if Helena was by my side -- she is a great friend, and the best seamstress I have ever worked with."

"Well, send her this offer of employment in your next letter to her. Tell her I will reimburse her for her travels, but request she leave as soon as possible."

"I will, Monsieur."


After her dress fitting was canceled, she promptly changed into some city clothes -- a slim and simple green dress, which was a tad bit old but would be perfectly acceptable for a walk to the post office (picture above).

Once she was appropriately ready, she finalized a letter to Helena and sealed a hand-made envelope with a bit of green wax and a Winchester Family crest -- which featured three swords pointed towards the base of a shield. She rather liked her seal.

She tucked the letter into the pocket of her skirt and grabbed a white shawl from her closet before exiting her room and making her way down the hallway of the opera house. At the end of the hallway, there was a mail bucket for those who lived in the dormitory -- but it did not do express shipping, so Y/N thought it better to walk to the post office herself.

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