Twenty Two

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non-consensual touching

❀Warning❀non-consensual touching

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2 July 2020
Emersyn Ripley

Holding an ice pack to my little brother's swollen shut eye is never somewhere I wanted to be.

Koen sits quietly on the bathroom counter of my bathroom, swinging his long legs as they dangle between us and Harry watches on from beside me. We've all been quiet, tending to my brother's injuries.

I went to his bedroom after the meal was finished and realised how hurt he truly was, it broke my heart into thousands of pieces seeing my little brother in that state and my big sister instincts kicked in.

Harry was already coming back to mine after he left because he was worried about me so when I was grabbing an ice pack from the freezer in the kitchen he'd snuck up into my bedroom and found Koen where I left him.

Their conversation had halted abruptly when I walked back into the room about five minutes ago and had been silent ever since. I can tell by the expression Harry's wearing that seeing the black eye tainting Koen's skin is affecting him, he looks distraught over it.

I don't think any of us really know what to say right now, I'm just sad seeing my brother like this even though as soon as he opened his mouth I knew that the outcome would be this.

Our reality breaks my soul, why does our life have to be like this?

My phone buzzes on the counter beside Koen, his head turning slightly to peak at my now lit up device. "Who's Zara?" He whispers, Harry's interest perks as he too now looks at my phone. "She wants to know if you're still going out with her and Zayn."

I glance at Harry quickly to gauge his reaction because in the chaos of tonight I have yet to mention that Zara invited him and I out to the club. If we did go we'd need to leave soon because it's getting late but in all honesty I don't want to leave Koen alone knowing he's hurting.          

"Zara is my friend, you don't know her." I answer Koen's question, grasping my phone in the hand that's not holding the ice pack to his eye.

"Are you going?" He questions further, sounding curious.

I shake my head in denial, "I'm not leaving when you're hurt."

He rolls his eye, "don't be stupid, Em. I'm fine, I'll be going to sleep within the hour anyways, you and Harry should go and have some fun after what's happened tonight." He encourages me, I can see the confusion on his face as to why I wouldn't go.                                                   

"What if you need me?" I worry about him constantly, even though he's my brother he's like my child because I raised him.

"You have a phone, I won't need you but if I do then I'll text you." He assures me with a gentle smile on his face.

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