Fifty Eight

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Emersyn Styles

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Emersyn Styles

A shaky exhale passes my lips, staring into the eyes of Harry in shock but unable to pull my gaze from him to see what's going on - despite knowing that voice anywhere.

Oakley is the only who can bear looking, unsure of the situation but ultimately squealing in pure joy while clapping her tiny hands together in celebration. She has no idea what's going on, she's just happy to see fresh faces in the glowing sunlight even though she can't recognise them.

It's been too long.

My breathing gets noticeably more erratic, panic washing over me like the waves crashing onto the sand. Harry's green eyes swim with surprise, he braves pulling his eyes from mine to peek over at the person further up in the sand.

I watch his side profile, unable to gauge his full reaction which in turn confuses me on how to react myself. I want to scream at him to go away, that he should've never seen me again because all I'm doing is protecting the one person who needs it.

Koen cant be here else everything I've done is for nothing. All the guilt and remorse over leaving was felt for no reason.

I brave the glance, holding my daughter tighter to my tummy like if I let go she'll be scooped up and never brought back to my arms. I meet eyes that match mine perfectly, my heart thumping harder against my ribs like there's danger looming nearby.

"What the fuck." Harry murmurs, voice only just heard over the crashing waves as he speaks in complete shock - frozen by the situation.

"Ko..." I shake my head as he stands with tears beginning to well in his eyes, bottom lip trembling in heartbreak.

"Emmy." A soft sob leaves his lips, falling down into a crouching position in the sand to cover his face. Niall can't even peer down at him because he's too transfixed on the baby clutched tightly in my arms.

The few feet that separate us feels like miles, the same as the thousands that have been between us this whole time. Time has seemingly stood still, my mind a frazzled confused mess as I try desperately to figure out what to do.

However, Oakley seems to love the attention Niall's giving her as she lets out a squeal and begins to happily kick her legs around beneath her tiny body. That seems to break Niall's heart further, he stares at her in his brows tilted in sadness.

My arms shake, anxiety begins to consume me as I step closer to Harry like I'm going to suddenly be hurt and need his protection. I can feel my stomach churning, the food I consumed earlier not settling as my nerves spark - I feel physically ill.

"You— you can't be here!" I feel like my voice is weak, I tried to be louder but I'm sure they can barely hear me over the waves. "Seriously, go home!"

Niall gulps at the tone that comes out in my last few words, pure anger that scratches my windpipe.


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