Forty One

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1 October 2020Emersyn Styles

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1 October 2020
Emersyn Styles


Unable to look away from the breathtaking sight in front of me, I try to reply in some way but instead just end up repeating the same word that tumbled gently from his lips. "Wowww..."

The light breeze flows between us, lifting my floral dress softly through the warm air before following the path towards the dazzling sun that's high in the sky calling softly for the wind.

I can easily picture the expression on his face, a gentle sunlit grin with his emerald eyes shimmering in the orange glow - he's pushed his sunglasses up into his unruly hair to really take in this moment in reality.

As the wind breezes by it takes all the beautiful tulips with it, pushing them towards the sun before it settles slowly into the air and my hair stops blowing around my face - I tuck it behind my ears and slowly begin to walk towards the edge of the tulip field.

My fingertips delicately trace the soft petals of the tulip that grows peacefully on the corner, right beside the thin trail through the middle of the field.

They feel so fragile, so delicate and dainty beneath my touch while I make sure not to harm their pretty presence. I can feel Harry behind me, his hand ghosting over my waist as he follows my steps down the crunching dirt path beneath our feet.

We're two tiny people in the spectrum of the word, from a bird's eye view we'd look so miniscule surrounded by so many delicate pink tulips. 

Harry's hand follows the path mine is taking across the delicate petals while his other remains lightly touching my waist.

The relaxing atmosphere the silent flowers bring takes effect on us, keeping us gentle and quiet as we pass through the middle of this unique field. We have nowhere to be, no direction to head in but instead we're just walking - trying to take in the surroundings we'll probably never witness again.

My camera is around Harry's neck, the gentle yellow colour of  it contrasting the black top clung to his figure that he paired with the same colour shorts. Such an innocent colour to wear around his neck.

We've spent the first few days of being here in our hotel room, Harry practically put me on bed rest which was frustrating but it eased his worries. Koen's been texting non stop, wanting to know how I am at every hour of the day and if I don't respond fast enough he'll text Harry and then finally Niall.

Niall has been having the time of his life in that hotel room, last night we could hear him doing something and we'd assumed he'd invited someone back to his room but now we know he was just so into his golf. I went in when I was sure he was asleep and found him propped up in bed, tv remote in one hand and surrounded by food while an old golf competition played in the background.

He was clearly cheering the players on.

I went over and started clearing his bed off before gently tucking him up in bed; kissing his forehead in the hopes it made sure he had good dreams then returning to my husband who was also fast asleep.

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