Fifty Two

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Animal endangerment

❀Warning❀Animal endangerment

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29 March 2021
Emersyn Styles

With March came Spring.

The gentle chirping of birds that sat on the balcony ledge to sing us their songs. The blooming of flowers and the reappearance of leaves on the once naked trees, Harry's flowers have blossomed in their pots - he holds Oakley in one arm while he waters the tulips he's grown, whispering down to our baby about how he'll grow her favourite flowers one day.

We've been having a very soft few weeks, watching our baby grow and develop and spending time with the little family we've made. Oakley is the absolute light in our lives and like Anne told me while I was in labour, I can't remember my life before my daughter.

She's been growing so much in the past four weeks and we even celebrated when she turned one month old, having a tiny party with our family and of course Zayn and Zara who've loved spoiling their little niece.

I've felt very much on cloud nine since her birth despite the looming thoughts of what my parents are up to. Harry told me about the flowers albeit a few days later, he was worried about worrying me which was silly, although the message amongst the flowers was slightly terrifying, I feel like it's more an empty threat.

Plus it wasn't written in my father's handwriting, I could distinguish that easily - his is very scribbly, loopy and borders on unreadable most of the time. It didn't really look like my mother's either but all I could base it on was some birthday card she'd given me years back that I'd take a photo of for some reason.

I'm currently out with my sweet baby girl, she's sleeping in the pushchair because between the excitement of being fed and a short car journey she's exhausted. We're out getting some pet food for Buddy and Bear, they're almost out and despite Harry not wanting me to go alone I insisted I'd be fine in a public place.

Plus I have my sweet Oaks with me, I don't feel lonely with her even if she's fast asleep and can't communicate with me other than little cries. Niall was almost sent with me but he wasn't actually home but Harry was very loving before we left, loads of kisses and soft words exchanged - he was so worried.

But I made it to the pet store in one piece, I had to walk because I don't know how to drive and thankfully it's only a ten minute distance from the house. There's also a little baby store right next door so I'm definitely going in there to pick up some new stuff for Oakley, even if she has more belongings than me.

I round the corner, the automatic doors sliding open for me as I push my daughter inside the shop. I've been here with Harry a few times in the past so I know exactly where I'm going. And it's not the food aisle - I'm going for the pet toys.

Buddy's never really had many toys, I've never spoiled him like I should've so I'm doing it now when Harry can't tell me not to spend all my money even when it's actually my dad's. I'm surprised he hasn't found a way to cut me off yet, he's meant to be extremely intelligent...

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