Forty Two

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Graphic violence and death

❀Warning❀Graphic violence and death

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5 October 2020
Emersyn Styles

"I don't want to go back." I complain as soon as the plane wheels hit the tarmac in England. I'm quite literally left with no option now we're actually in the country, leaving all the memories from the trip is breaking my heart.

I've been left with this horrible feeling in my stomach since I boarded this plane, at first I was terrified the plane was going to crash and Harry had to calm me down before I decided to stay in The Netherlands.

Harry's hand smooths over my hair affectionately, comfortingly, "I know, neither do I but we couldn't stay there forever." I pout sadly, Niall grinning at me across the table.

"I think you're just nervous to be home, Squish, nothing to worry about." He tries to assure me but there's something wrong, I just know it.

Koen got quiet a few days ago and we haven't heard anything from home much. He facetimed me this morning to ask how Little Star was but that's been all he's asked about, he's acting strange and whenever I confront him about it there's an excuse and he hangs up.

He's put me on edge, Harry noticed it as well and commented about how he was acting weird but now it's actually begun to worry me he's pretending it never happened. I'm assuming it's in the hopes it calms me, but it's not working well.

We were enveloped by peace in The Netherlands, able to live carefree like we were the only people in the world but now our reality is back to taunt us.

There's just so much to worry about.

When the plane finally came to a stop and we were allowed to leave, just waiting for our luggage on the tarmac while Harry went to get his car from where it had been safely stored during our time away.

He picked Niall and I up and helped us load the bags into his car, the atmosphere was growing sadder around us due to knowing that in an hour I'd have to say goodbye to him. I don't want to say goodbye.

Soft music filled the car for the entire drive back, Harry kept his arm firmly attached to my leg while he drove and Niall decided to just play games on his phone to keep the silence between us. It was just gentle music encasing us and it was all we needed.

As soon as we were driving along the road towards my house I sank in sadness into the leather seat, reaching forwards to cover Harry's hand with mine and he sent me a sad glance. It kills us both to leave one another yet it's just the cycle of our life and sadly inevitable.

Slowly, the car comes to a stop - Niall leaning forwards and thanking Harry for the lift before climbing from the vehicle and I look at my husband who creeps towards me.

"Bye baby." His lips are soft against mine, kissing me goodbye until the next time we see each other. I'm hoping it'll be tonight, that I can sneak out and spend the night with my husband. After a week of being attached at the hip I don't know how I'll cope without him.

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