Chapter 29

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"It will keep him from using Roza to turn himself into a strigoi. It will also keep him from finding out about her coming here to Baia by some other avenue. Which will keep him from attacking and killing anyone and everyone anywhere around Baia. It will stop his torture and torment of her and his becoming strigoi at all. But he has convinced his half-brother, that I was telling you about, who's darkness from his spirit magic has driven the poor man insane. Anyway, Victor has convinced Robert that everything bad that has happened to the entire Dashkov family line, for the last twenty years, is all Roza's fault. So even if Victor dies, Robert will still try to carry out Victor's evil warped and maniacal plan to get revenge on our Roza. Victor is and has been using poor Robert for years for his spirit magic. Robert is how Victor knows and has learned a great many of the things that he knows about spirit users. Robert even told him where and how to find out more information about spirit users as well as those that are shadow kissed among us. Robert had lost his way mentally decades ago, and when that happened. In order to learn even more about the spirit users and what they are capable of doing. Victor started doing more and more experiments, mental, emotional, physical, and psychological, on poor Robert. And since Robert didn't know who was behind the experiments. Because Victor always made sure that Robert never saw his face or heard his voice, and Victor pretended to rescue him from his 'captors'. Robert thinks that he is indebted to Victor for saving him. And because of that he is willing to do anything that Victor asks of him, and he feels as though he has to do whatever Victor tells him to do as a way to repay him."

"That poor man." My mother said sadly, and everyone nodded in agreement with her. How can a man be so evil as to do things like that to his own brother? His own flesh and blood.

"Mama, is there any way to help Robert?"

"No, Olena. Poor Robert is far too far gone now. Mentally there is absolutely nothing that can be done for him now. Maybe before Victor had all of those experiments done on him, someone could have helped him. But that all happened back when our Roza was just a little baby, so no, nothing can be done to help him now. Nothing short of putting him out of his misery and ending his torture and torment of other people."

"What about removing his darkness, Yeva? Will that help him any?"

My babushka closed her eyes for a few moments and suddenly they popped open, and she smiled a little. (grandmother)

"Yes, Abe. That is the only thing that can save him. It is the only thing that can help him even a little bit. But for her to do that, and to keep it from affecting her, she will have to get rid of it instantly. Because there is just sooo much of it."

"Ok, she can do that. We have discovered that she can send someone's darkness out into the ether, and it will have no effect on her. But why the last twenty years Yeva, Rose isn't even eighteen years old yet?"

"No, she's not. But... you met Janine twenty years ago."

"So why isn't he focusing his anger, rage and hatred on me or Janine instead of our little girl? I mean he has already taken my Janie from me, so why am I not his sole focus now?"

"For the same reasons that I gave you earlier. He hates Roza, he has placed all the blame for all of his plans falling apart onto her shoulders."

"I know but why?"

"Because Victor is just as insane as Robert, just in a drastically different way."

He sighed. "I figured as much. So, what if I manage to put his brother Robert out of his misery too? Or she can get to him in time to cure him of his darkness?"

"If you can end Victor within the next few weeks, possibly even a month. But that would be pushing it very closely, far too closely as a matter of a fact. If I, were you, I wouldn't push it past two and a half to three weeks at the absolute outer most, but even three weeks will be pushing it dangerously close. But if you do put an end to him, he could not torture, torment or use Roza to become strigoi. Or destroy Baia, killing everyone in and anywhere around town. And if you can get to Robert within the next four to six weeks, then that will be the end of it. Especially if Roza can cure him of his darkness. But it is going to be almost impossible to find Robert, in that amount of time, because Victor has imbedded and hidden Robert with Victor's strigoi army. Robert was living in Las Vegas, but Victor got his strigoi to move Robert before the first attack ever happened."

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