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i haven't talked to jack since we kissed.

and its march.

march 18th to be exact.

jack: heres the ticket if you still want to come in for a little.

liv: dont you have a game?

jack: check the roster report

liv: why aren't you at the game jack?

jack: you

jack: plus i broke my finger and cant play for a few games

jack: which is perfect for us

i rolled my eyes and continued parking my bag.

am i really going to do this?

what if he does kill me?

i finished packing and opened our texts.

liv: pick me up from the airport in the morning?

jack: ill be there livs

liv: cant wait too see you

jack: me as well!

jack: do you want a hotel?

liv: nah i figured id just sleep on the street lol yolo

liv: whats the other option?

jack: my place

liv: dont you have a roommate?

jack: nope, he got traded & the apartments empty til luke gets here.

liv: umm

liv: i guess

jack: you can take my bed and i can have the couch. its a comfy bed

liv: ill be fine in the couch, im not a princess jack

liv: you better not say some corny ass pick up line here

jack: i wasn't going too, i was just thinking about it

liv: 😒

jack: please dont back out on me

liv: i cant, i already told my parents so they're asking me about you

jack: ohh, can i meet your parents?

liv: they want to meet you. my moms actually scared shitless that im going to your place by myself

jack: can i get you in michigan this summer?

liv: can we play soccer this summer?

jack: only if you play street hockey with my brothers and i?

liv: oh that might be a deal

jack: i cant wait to see you

liv: jack

jack: what babe?

if he saw my face right now, he would see the effect he has on me. i can feel my cheeks heat up and blush.

liv: i dont even know what to say

jack: well figure it out before i see you tomorrow


i landed and texted jack and he told me he was outside waiting.

i rolled my suitcase and made my way out of the airport.

he sent me a picture of what his car looks like, i looked left & right before finally finding it.

i walked over and looked at him through the window.

he quickly got out and jogged over to me, "welcome to jersey livs."

i smiled and hugged him back.

we pulled apart and he grabbed my suitcase and opened the trunk of his car.

he walked around to the passenger side and opened my door.

"thank you." i said getting in.

he shut the door and jogged around to the driver door, getting in and buckled up.

he turned and looked at me, "well you ready?"

"ready for what?" i joked.

"a great 24 hours."

he started driving.

"you got all the confidence in the world, dont you bud?" i laughed.

"ive got something."

"i got lunch for us at the house."

"you cook? not broccoli obviously." i joked.

"im about to fly your ass to massachusetts." he laughed.

"sorry, that was too good to not say." i laughed. "no for real, what did you cook?" i asked.

he paused, "chipotle."

"you hockey players and your chipotle."

"its kinda like the league is sponsored by chipotle."

"you're right." i nodded.

he pulled into a parking garage and drove around a little before parking.

we got our of his car and he got my suitcase from the back, while i carried my backpack.

"so when does luke move in with you?"

"supposed to be whenever his season at michigan ends, could be the final week of the regular season or during playoffs. but he'll live here then after playoffs we go home to michigan for the summer." he explained.

"nice." i said.

we walked into the apartment building and got in the elevator.

"do you like living close to way?"

"yeah. multiples have a unique bond and we had separation anxiety growing up, we were always in the same classes at school...well until way went to michigan for the program. but kell & i had the same classes until high school, then we some together. but its nice having him close, i still feel independent but i also have someone 20 minutes from me."

"what about kellyn? what does she do?"

"oh she owns a small business back home in massachusetts."

"thats cool, she doesn't play sports?" he asked as we exited the elevator.

i lightly laughed, "no she doesn't. she played sports growing up with us but she never liked sports. so she opened a small business and is in college for business, she makes good money."

"i bet."

he stopped at a door and used a key to open it, he opened the door for me and let me walk in first.

bachelor pad.

white & grey.

"its not much so dont lie to me and act like this is the nicest place you've been too." he laughed.

he placed my suitcase against the wall, and i hopped up on the kitchen counter.

"you hungry?"

"i can eat. i can always eat." i giggled.

he opened the fridge and pulled and a bag.

he opened it and pulled the containers out, taking lids off and placing them on plates to microwave them.

he pressed start on the microwave  and walked to me, placing his hands on either side of my my legs on the counter.

"i missed you." i said.

he leaned in and placed his lips on mine.

i kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

he hands gripped my sides.

i can see what the next 24 hours will be like.

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