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"liv?" kellyn asked, worry in her voice.

"yeah?" i said, rolling over in bed to see her walking in my room.

"have you been on twitter today or recently?"

"no why?"

she covered her mouth and scrolled on her phone.

"what is it?" i asked, sitting up.

"um, its an article with a picture of you & trevor at the marinos wedding and says that you have an eating disorder."

"no no no." i panicked, grabbing her phone to read the article myself.

tears filled my eyes as i read what was said.

theres even a picture of jack at the hospital.

"who published this?" i worried.

i handed her phone back and pulled out mine, quickly googling jacks name.

"there's multiple articles." i said.

i pulled my knees into my chest and cried. even though these are lies my hearts breaking.

"jack hughes fiancée in love triangle." i cried.

"you need to call jack." she said.

"i cant hes busy."

"shut the fuck up hes never to busy for you, now call him." she ordered.

my hand was shaking as i pulled up jacks contact and hit call.

"jack?" i asked.

"i know babe, ill be there in about an hour."

"what?" i sobbed.

"ill be there soon, im on my way. ive been on the phone with management and assistants and coaches already. ill be there soon."


"im sorry baby. im so sorry." he apologized.

"why are you apologizing? did you do this?" i asked.

"no. i wouldn't. i just feel like i could of protected you better from this. this could of been hidden better."

"i never wanted people to know about my eating disorder but theres more. rumors about cheating & a whole bunch of shit."

"go take a cool bath and drink some water. ill be there soon. and if anyone contacts you, dont talk to them."

"okay." i sobbed, wiping my tears.

"ill be there soon."

"okay. love you."

"love you too baby." he said and ended the call.

way walked in my room, "get off your phone. you're not reading anything else." he said, pulling my phone from my hand.

"what if jack calls again?"

"then i'll answer it." he said. "im more worried about the fucking media trying to contact you."

<>jacks pov<>

i got off the phone with liv and trevors calling me.

i dont want to answer it but maybe he's got some inside information to this.


"dude, what is going on?" he asked.

he was panicking too.

"what do you know?"

"that my fucking manager called me to say that were fucking the same girl." he said.

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