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i followed jack to the devils bench at the arena.

i stopped and looked around.

"this is insane."

"it's electric with fans." jack said, following my eye site around the building.

"sit down." he said, pointing to the bench.

i sat and he started putting my skates on, "i know how to tie my own skates."

"im sure you do but you probably dont tie them to my standard." he winked.

my right skate and then my left was put on then tied before he put in his own.

he opened up the door for me, holding my hand as i stepped onto the ice.

i tried shaking my hand from his but his grip tightened and his other hand on my hip, slowly pushing my body to center ice.

"you remember this spot?" he asked.

"yeah." i smiled.

"you remember the crowds cheer?"


he pecked my lips.

"you remember when i-"

"baby, i remember it all." i laughed.

"i just wanted to make sure, if you forgot id ask you again." he said.

i smiled and looked around again, his hand still in mine.

"wanna race?" i asked.

"you'll lose."

i pulled my hand from him and took off.

his laughter filled my ears as i skated away from him, i laughed too.

next thing i know, jacks at my side, "im wont go easy on you baby!" he said before taking off.

i groaned.

"let me win!" i laughed, trying to skate faster.

he made it back to the red line before me and waited for me, coming in second place like 10 second after him.

he placed his arm out, catching me and hugging me.

he lifted me off the ground and kissed my neck.

"i love you livlyn avery."

"i love you jack rowden hughes."

in a few months ill be livlyn avery hughes.

he set me on my feet and i looked up at him, taking in everyone of his features, with my arms locked around with neck.

"what?" he chuckled.

"just looking at whats mine."

he smirked, "baby you cant be boosting my ego like that."

my right hand ran down to his chest.

"what can i boost instead?"

he held my hands, "livlyn, livlyn, livlyn."


i opened the curtain of the dressing room to show jack the dress i tried on.

its a light pink dress with some ruffles.

jack made a weird face as he sat on the couch of the boutique that he rented out, just so i had enough time to try on every single dress that i wanted to without getting mobbed by fans & girls & media.

"you don't like it?"

"its you but its not date night."

i looked at myself in the mirror again, "i guess youre right."

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