The New Student

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The tannoy started talking when Raven was in Home Evilnomics. "Can all students please report to the Charmitorium for a special announcement from headmaster Grimm."

Raven Queen scoffed "what, right now?" She questioned the speaker which answered "yes, now!" Raven stood up and followed the rest of her class to the Charmitorium.

Raven met up with her friends Maddie and Cerise. "What do you think is going on?" Raven asked them. "Well I think it's a tea party!" Maddie told Raven excitedly. Blondie Locks and Apple White walked over. "I heard there's a new student!" Blondie told them all.

Apple looked happy at the thought. "I wonder if they're a royal or a rebel!" Raven looked at Apple's happy face. "Yeah I hope it's a royal!" she told the group. "You do?" Apple and Maddie spoke at the same time. "Yeah because then Apple will be so busy giving this new person a full school tour and giving opinions on the people in their classes that Apple won't bother me about our story!" Cerise gave Raven an impressed face. That's actually not a bad idea!" Raven nodded.

The Headmaster Grimm walked onto the stage. "Students." He started. "As some of you have become aware, there will be a new student joining us. She will be arriving any minute no-" The headmaster was cut off by one of the royals screaming as a large wonky door spurted up from nowhere in the middle of the stage.

The door was flung open to reveal a girl with long hair and bright green eyes. Her hair was black with greenish blue streaks and she wore a top that had a beetle on it. Her pants were black with green lightning patterns. She had an evil smirk and from the minute Headmaster Grimm saw her, he knew she would be trouble.

"Definitely a rebel!" Cerise, Apple and Blondie all said at the same time. Raven said "ooh this is hexcellent. We should definitely throw a party to spellebrate her arrival, Apple get Briar to throw the party, she is the best person for throwing parties!"

Headmaster Grimm cleared his throat. "Settle down students, now if you would like to tell us a little bit about yourself." The new girl cleared her throat and began talking. "Hey, I'm Lacia, I'm the adopted daughter of Beetlejuice and now that I'm here, I'm going to find out who my actual parents are. I am most certainly a rebel and I have dark magic which I struggle to control occasionally. And I don't have my own story so I am just here so that I'm not in the neitherworld anymore. It wasn't very nice there! That's pretty much all you need to know except for the fact that I'm a year older than the year group that I've been put in!"

"A demon? That sounds hat-tastic! I've never met a demon and I don't think demons have ever been accepted in here! We should be it's friends Raven! I wanna know a demon!" Maddie told their group excitedly. Raven laughed at her friend's enthusiasm and answered "first of all she's a she, not an it Maddie! And second, I'd love to be friends with her, she would be a great addition to our gang!"

Headmaster Grimm continued to talk "I will need three students to tour Ms Lacia around the school and make sure that she is comfortable in all her classes. Who wants to do it?"

"I do! I do, I do, I do!" Maddie said happily. Headmaster Grimm nodded and Maddie ran up onto the stage. Apple was still trying to get Raven back on the path of evil and was hoping to do that by showing Raven all their differences, and Ravens magic was very dark and potent now that the Storybook of Legends had been signed.

"Me and Raven will do it! We'll help tour Lacia!" Apple told the headmaster quickly, grabbing Ravens arm and dragging her onto the stage. "Very well. Everyone else, go back to your classes. That is all for today."

As all of the students left the hall, The four girls looked awkwardly around. "I'm Madeline Xylophone Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter of Wonderland. But you can call me Maddie!" Maddie told Lacia, giggling slightly.

"I'm Apple White, daughter of Snow White!" Apple introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you both Maddie, Apple. Hey, you're Raven Queen, aren't you?"

Raven looked shocked at the fact that this girl knew of her and not Apple, who was also having these thoughts. "Erm yeah how do you know that?" She asked Lacia. "Well in the neitherworld, that's where everyone who has ever died goes, the mirrors there were different from here and depending on where you were there and which mirror you were at, you could see into the mirror realm and my mirrors were the only ones that did that for anyone. But yeah I could see into the mirror realm and I could see your mother Raven. She's terrifying! But she talked nonstop about you when she wasn't trying to get me to break this one mirror in Ever After."

Raven and Apple looked at Lacia in shock while Maddie was busy... yelling at the sky? "You... you know the Evil Queen? The Evil Queen from my mom's story who is Ravens mom as well, you know her?!?"

Lacia didn't see the big deal. "Yeah I know her like a teeny tiny bit. Now am I going to any classes or meeting any people today or what?"

Maddie finished her conversation with the sky and she, Raven and Apple took Lacia on a tour of EAH, still a little jarred from learning the fact that Lacia had talked to the Evil Queen.

If only they knew what awaited them in the next chapter of their fairytale...

A/n hi guys, thanks for taking the time to read my fanfic, it's a bit boring at first but I have drama planned for upcoming chapters!!

Also the narrators will be in underlined writing like this, just so you know! That's all from me now, byee!

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