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Back in Ever After High, the Evil Queen and Faybelle walked through the school corridors, terrifying students as they went.

"Faybelle, I need you to place dark dragons to guard every possible escape. Nobody leaves. Then come back to me." Faybelle answered "yes your horribleness!"

After they had passed, Humphrey Dumpty was dragged over to one of the holes in the wall by Gillian Beanstalk. "Look." She told him and held out her hand. There sat four magic beans.

Gillian tossed them out the hole and the two watched as a beanstalk grew out of the ground and kept going just past the hole in the wall.

"Well, as my dad Jack always says, the trick is, don't look down." Gillian said and hopped up onto the edge of the building.

Just as she was preparing to jump, Faybelle appeared, riding one of the dark dragons. "This is restricted airspace. Please return to the floating, evil school. For good measure, the dark dragon breathed a spurt of fire at the two teens as well.

I'm Apple's dorm room, she was sitting on her bed, sobbing over the fact that her best friend forever after had abandoned her. She had a picture of her and Raven in front of the school in one hand and the other hand was trying and failing to stop the steady flow of tears that poured down her face.

Behind Apple, the Evil Queen appeared. "Why the waterworks? Upset my Raven flew the coop? Or Lacia? Is it because they abandoned you here and left with no warning? Don't worry, we'll get them both back."

"Everything went wrong!" Apple said loudly. "This is not how I thought high school would be."

"Chin up Apple cheeks. Any ideas where your roomies went? Perhaps they're hiding in the Enchanted Forest?" The Evil Queen asked.

"If I knew, I would tell them both that they were right about you and I would beg them to forgive me!" Apple yelled, getting up off her bed and walking over to where there was a hole in the wall, where the window should have been. Apple continued with her rant. "You ruined everything!  I was a fool to believe you'd changed or that you cared about anyone's Happily Ever After but your own. Now the future of Ever After High is literally up in the air and it's all my fault!"

"Boo hoo! Pathetic Apple White. I think our deal is done. Tell you what, since you helped me so very much, here's an apple from the teacher." The Evil Queen said and used her magic to make a shrivilled up apple appear in her hand.

"Urgh gross! I'm not touching that. It looks poisoned!" "Of course it's poisoned!" The Evil Queen snapped before making the apple look normal. "One bite out of this and you'll enter the next phase of your fairytale."

Apple looked conflicted. "But... I can't choose my enchanted sleep. Can I?"

"Take it or leave it. But you are leaving my school."

"I'm not going anywhere." Apple said looking unsure.

The Evil Queen summoned large pink balls of magic into her hand. "Your usefulness has ended. Consider yourself hexpelled!" The balls of magic hit Apple and she fell backwards out of the window!

Faybelle came flying in and started talking. "Wow! You hexpelled Apple right out the window!?"

"Nothing happens by accident in my domain. Apple just needed a push to go find my daughters in the enchanted forest."

Apple was currently whacking into the very handy beanstalk that was stopping her falling to her death. She slid down the leaves and vines until she got to the very bottom, looking very shaken up.

"Oh! Very impressive your rottenness! How can I help?" Faybelle asked.

"You follow her you foolish fairy! Report back to me, she will lead us to Raven and Lacia's hideout and then we will capture them."

"Oh! And what about Apple?"

"Well I did promise her her Happily Ever After.  Here, take this." The Evil Queen threw the poisoned apple to Faybelle.

Apple walked into the dragon stables and approached her dragon. The dragon looked all lonely, it was the only one left. "Oh you are a dragon for sore eyes! It's time to turn the page. I've got to find Raven and Lacia, apologise, then get them to help me imprison the Evil Queen!" Apple looked over to her dragon riding outfit.

Outside, Faybelle flew towards the dragon stables and was about to enter when Apple and her dragon burst through the doors. "Hya!" Apple yelled, urging her dragon on.

Faybelle sat up from where she had been squished. "Note.. to self... get.. dragon proof... armour!" And then she fell back onto the ground.
Faybelle flew through the air, her small wings struggling to keep up with the dragon.

Apple flew through the sky until her dragon started acting weird. "What is it girl?" She asked. The dragon landed in a clearing in the Enchanted Forest. "Do you smell something?"

The dragon prodded a bush with her nose and the woodland pixies popped out of it and started climbing on the dragon.

Apple wasn't facing that way and was busy talking to herself. "They could be anywhere. That's the trouble with enchanted stuff, what you're looking for could be right in front of you!"

The dragon made a noise and Apple turned around to see the pixies. "Well that seems like a sign."

The pixies becomes for her to follow them and she did, her dragon walking behind her.

Faybelle landed in a tree and watched Apple walk away with the pixies. "Pixies! Wannabe fairies!"

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