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"Go, quick! I'll move Apple!" Lacia yelled. Before one of the dragons could get her, Lacia grabbed a large stick and poked it in the eye. It flew off and Lacia picked Apple's body up and layed it down near the fire. Raven was having trouble holding them all off so Lacia ran over to the exit of their not-so-secret hideout and whistled. "Over here!" She called. The dragons flew at her and Lacia dived to the ground.

Lacia glanced over to Raven who was starting to chant a spell with the help of the pixies.

"Dark dragons that attack by night, I cast you back till morning light!" Raven cast and a large purple light erupted from where Raven stood. It seemed to repel the dragons. The girls were safe for now. Except one that is.

Lacia, being at the edge of the hideout, wasn't covered by the purple safety bubble!

Raven ran to the edge of it to talk to Lacia. "Can you get in?"

"No, I think I'm stuck here! Raven, don't worry about me, whatever happens, I'll be fine!"

"What are you going to do?"

"What do you think? Run." Lacia answered.

"Be careful Lacia. Your my sister, I love you."

"Love you too Raven, I gotta run now though. Bye!"

"Goodbye! Good luck!" Raven called after her.

Lacia ran through the woods, not stopping to see where the dragons were, she could hear them behind her and that was enough to tell her that she needed to keep running. Lacia needed to look where she was going. She'd met enough deceased people in the Neitherworld who had died by being chased by something and they had tripped because they didn't have the common sense to check where they were going.

She felt the rough ground of the woods through her thin-soled boots and the air was rushing past her face making it harder to breathe it in. Lacia was running on pure adrenaline, if only she had thought to get Morningstar, then she could easily outfly these dragons and loop back round to the hideout.

She couldn't hear the dragons behind her so Lacia slowed to a halt and ended up in a clearing. Lacia caught her breath and looked at her surroundings. This clearing didn't look exactly inviting, the trees looked grey and the leaves looked black. This was the dark forest, not the enchanted forest. And there's nothing worse than being chased by dark dragons in the dark forest.

Lacia couldn't see Faybelle and the dark dragons, but she knew they were there. She could sense them.

Lacia walked slowly in small circles, trying to see where the dragons were hiding

Lacia made to move on and keep going but when she took a step toward the edge of the clearing, the dragons and Faybelle pounced on her!

Lacia screamed loudly as she was attacked by the three evil dragons. The dragon proof armour that Lacia was wearing saved her from the worst of the claws and teeth, but one claw slashed her left cheek and blood started to flow out. The dragons righted themselves and one of them scooped Lacia up onto it's neck. The dragons all took off and Lacia looked back in the distance to see the Enchanted Forest. 'Wow! I ran really far!' Lacia thought as she could just make out the dragons that belonged to her friends, they were sleeping up at the very top of one of the trees.

"Why Faybelle? Why?" Lacia yelled at her. "Because I'm supposed to be the most evil fairy of all, so I'm trying to show your mom that I could be really evil!"

"Oh yeah, and how's that working out for you? Has my mom taken time to appreciate your evilness yet? I don't think so!"

Faybelle just rolled her eyes and flew ahead. Lacia looked past Faybelle and could see Ever After High, but now it more looked like a floating evil fortress.

Lacia put a hand to her cheek and could feel the wet blood coming out of the gash. She could see the dragons coming closer to the school, but they weren't slowing down.

The two dragons that were in front of Lacia pulled up out of the way of the largest turret, which seemed to have the side of it blasted off.

Her dragon though, kept going until last minute, where it took a sharp turn that Lacia wasn't expecting, a sharp turn that caused her to go flying off her dragon, through the hole in the turret wall and onto the floor of the room.

Lacia rolled along the floor and crashed into a small staircase. Lacia groaned and sat up. She could see the small trail of blood from her cheek on the floor from when she had been rolling.

She looked at her surroundings and slowly stood up. She was in quite a bit of pain from the hard landing and her cheek wasn't helping.

Lacia walked over to the hole in the turret that she had came flying through about a minute before. There was a beanstalk a little down from where the turret was. One little jump could mean freedom, back to the Enchanted forest.

Lacia walked back a bit and prepared herself. She took a run and went to jump off the edge. Instead of falling and coming into contact with a large plant however, she came into contact with a rather painful magical barrier. It sent her flying back into the staircase. Lacia could now see the barrier, it hadn't been there when she'd first looked.

"Where did that come from?" Lacia wondered aloud. "Did you really think I would go to all that trouble getting you here, just for you to escape?" Said a voice behind Lacia. A voice that Lacia had come to know quite well over the past few days.

Lacia turned around and looked to the top of the staircase where the person was standing. "Hey mom."

Lacia's tale. The Dragon GamesWhere stories live. Discover now