Shatter the Mirror

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Apple walked over to her mirror, glancing at Raven and Lacia to make sure they were asleep. "Mirror mirror on the wall, why is life so unfairest after all?" Apple asked her reflection.

Little did she know that in the world behind the mirrors, the Evil Queen was listening in. "I spy doubt, and doubt leaves room for the worm to get into the apple!" she says as she conjures an apple and sends it through to Apple's side of the mirror. "Follow me! Follow me!" the apple says with the Evil Queen's voice. "What?" Apple asks.

Apple follows the apple over to a tree trunk in the wall of the room which opens up with a golden light. Apple glances around the room and then steps through the tree and appears in a large room at the top of a large spiral staircase. The door behind Apple slams shut and Apple jumps back in fright.

"Oh you poor thing!" The Evil Queen said from the magic mirror. "Tell me your troubles!"

Apple backed up. "I can't talk to you!" she said, scared.

"Oh Apple, we have so much more in common than you know!"  Apple spoke "wh-what do you want?" The Evil Queen replied instantly. "The same thing you want! I could help you, you know. I can restore things to the good old ways, steer Raven on her course of evil, so you get your happily ever after! But I can't do it from inside the mirror!"

"I'm sorry." Apple told her. "But even if I trusted you, I can't let you out of the mirror, that would be wrong!" Apple turned her back on the Evil Queen.

"Oh I'm sorry" the Evil Queen said annoyedly. "I thought maybe you were like your mother! When her time came, your mother embraced her fairytale destiny! She did whatever it took!"

Apple turned to face the Evil Queen. "I am not afraid! I will do whatever it takes! I am like my mother! And my destiny is mine!" Apple threw the apple at the mirror out of anger but the apple smashed the mirror upon impact.

Apple backed away as the Evil Queen stepped out of the mirror, free at last! She let out a menacing cackle.

"The Evil Queen is free!" Brooke said. "Yes, after years of banishment, the Evil Queen escaped!" The female said. "And at Apple White's hand no less!" The male added.

"Years in a mirror prison, without a single reflective surface to gaze at myself upon! Now that's torture!"

Apple tried to leave. "I'm sorry, I need to go. I uh, you're good right, bad! I- I can't help you!"

The Evil Queen smirked. "Too late!" she said. "Do you want friends or your mother to know you released the Evil Queen?"

"You can't just walk into school and talk to Raven! What happens when somebody recognises you? I'll get in trouble!"

"You do make a good point. I'll need to reinvent my look to blend in with today's teens, let's make some magic! From old to young, a journey back, to fit in would be prudent. Erase what time's cruel hands have done, make me a high school student!" The Evil Queen chanted and pink magic surrounded her.

When the smoke cleared, Apple could see that the spell had in fact, made the Evil Queen a high school student! "I'll need a name!" She declared. "How about... Mira. Mira Shards."

"You're- you're a teenager" Apple half questioned. "Ready, my new best friend forever after? Time to go back to high school! Let's do this! I'm looking forward to seeing my daughters again!"

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