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As Apple and Mira walked in for breakfast the next morning to meet Cerise and Darling. "Guys I want you to meet the new girl, my old friend, Mira!" Apple told them. "What's down?" Mira said only to have Apple correct her with "Up, it's what's up." "Thanks. What's up new friends?" "Not much." Cerise said.

"So where did you guys meet?" Darling asked them. Apple said "neighbours!" At the same time Mira said "camp" they shared a look before Mira added on "yeah, we went to neighbouring camp!" 'How can she lie so easily?' Apple thought to herself. "So what school did you go to?" Darling asked and Mira answered "I was homeschooled!"

Ashlyn, Lizzie, Raven and Lacia approached them. "Hello, welcome to Ever After High, I'm Ashlyn, that's Lizzie, Raven and Lacia! I love your outfit." Ashlyn told Mira. "You look spelltacular!" Raven said. "Truly wicked!" Lacia added on.

"You're Raven and Lacia Queen?" Mira said eyes wide. "You're like spellebrities! Daughter of the greatest villain in all of fairytale history!"

Lacia laughed at Mira's reaction. "My mom? Yeah she's a Queen. A drama Queen!" Raven said while Apple cringed and Mira looked hurt. "And I wouldn't know, having never met the woman cause she abandoned me like garbage!" Lacia said.

Mira looked so sad that her daughters thought this way about her. "Well I doubt she had much of a choice then cause aren't you a year older than Raven? And when your mom would have had you, she would have just been about to poison Snow White so maybe she left you so that you could have your best chance at a normal-ish life!"

As Lacia contemplated the idea, Holly and Poppy came in with Nevermore, Raven's dragon. "Well, what do you think?" Holly said and Poppy added on "All cleaned up!" Raven ran over to Nevermore and gave her a big hug. "Nevermore! Aww she looks very..." "bowdacious!" Holly said, puffing up the bow on Nevermore's head.

Wow Raven, your dragon is so cute! Do you have one Lacia?" Lacia replied "yeah I do but she's in the Neitherworld, and is very much alive, just like me!" Nevermore saw Mira and immediately saw through her disguise.

Nevermore started spouting fire all over the Castleteria, destroying the hall! A burst of fire barely missed Headmaster Grimm as he came in. "Raven Queen!" he shouted. "What is your animal doing in the Castleteria?"

Raven looked so ashamed as she answered. "I'm sorry Headmaster Grimm, it won't happen again. Mira chuckled as Raven got in trouble.

Raven and Lacia walked out of the hall and to their next class. "Hey Raven, Lacia, are you okay after what happened?" "Yeah, I don't know what's gotten into Nevermore, she doesn't usually spook like that."

"That was unfairest of Grimm to bust you like that, why didn't you blame Holly and Poppy? They brought a dragon into the Castleteria!" Mira asked.

Lacia said "That's not what friends do. Well, we better get to Science and Sorcery class!"

Mira's eyes lit up. "Actually, I'm in that class. Maybe you could show me the ropes?"

"Sure" Raven said. "Let's go!" Lacia told them.


Raven got her test results back and Mira and Lacia looked at the results to see that Raven had failed.

"Cast a spell on the teacher and get straight A's! That's what I did in school!" Mira told them both. "That's brilliant! I'm so gonna work out how to do that!" Lacia said excitedly.

"I thought you said you were homeschooled?" Raven questioned.

"Talking in class!" Professor Bad Wolf yelled, interrupting the conversation. "Encouraging cheating! Raven, stick with this new girl, you could learn a thing or two!"


"Candy Cane pole vault! This little gingerbread man is about to show you how to take the cake!" Coach Gingerbread Man told the class.

Lacia and Raven were both elbowed by Mira who used her pink magic to make the candy cane grow longer so that Coach Gingerbread Man was stuck in the basketball hoop.

"Raven Queen, Lacia Queen, was that you?" He demanded/asked.

"No sir! Oh but I kinda wish it was!" Raven said to Mira. "Same!" Lacia said.


Darling and Cerise walked over to where Apple, Raven, Lacia and Mira were sitting.

"We we're saving these seats!" Mira told them before they could sit down. They walked away annoyedly.

"That wasn't very nice!" Lacia told her. "Yeah, Darling and Cerise are our friends." Raven said. Lacia noticed that Apple did a weird face.

"Nice will only get you so far! To be really popular, you need a little fear factor. Isn't that right Apple?"

As the sisters turned to look at Apple, she answered "Well I suppose there's truth in that."

"Raven! Don't freak out!" Poppy came running over, sister in tow.

"What's the bet she freaks out?" Lacia whispers to Mira who laughed at this.

"We we're trying this new scale polish on Nevermore and... well... she took off!" Raven gasped.

"We set up a grooming station in the old dragon stables behind the school, that's the last place we saw her!"

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