Competition Results

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I said that I'd do the results for this next week but I figured that I could just do it now since I've already typed it up and I've already published today. Also this way I'm not holding you all in suspense for a whole week.

Now I am a little sad because I said that I would only continue with this competition if I got five or more entry's and I only got one. So that would mean that the competition is pointless.


The single entry that I got was really good and there was a lot of work and thought put into it so I am still going to do the competition with that one entry. I'm going to be honest with you guys, it's a really good one so I'm pretty happy knowing that even though only one person entered my competition, it was a very good entry. But I should probably tell you guys who that person was, right? So without further ado...

In third place- No one

In second place- No one

In First place- MissSparkle539 (whoop whoop!)

Congratulations! Your chapter was great and I can't wait to continue the story that was set up (in lots of detail I might add)

Thank you for entering my competition and I will get the chapter published as soon as it's possible.

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