Daring = depressed

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A/n. I know I haven't updated as recently than I would have liked to but I've had a load of stuff going on. To make up for it, I've made this. The editing was rushed so it's not the best but let me know what you think.

Also, if you'd like to enter the competition that has the details on the last chapter, please tell me as soon as possible

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Also, if you'd like to enter the competition that has the details on the last chapter, please tell me as soon as possible.

Back in the clearing in the Enchanted Forest, some girls were surrounding Apple's coffin and others were just chatting to each other. Daring Charming however, was doing neither of these things. Daring had finally been freed from the mirror prison and had kissed Apple to wake her up, but it hadn't worked! Apple was still asleep. So Daring was now standing with Melody Piper and was being depressed.

Melody turned up the volume of her music and Daring said "Yes, this is what feeling sounds like!" before he was dragged off to talk to Darling. "Hey! What the hex? Can't you see I'm trying to wallow?!"

"All this pouting, it's not a good look on you! It's time to turn the page brother."

"Oh! That's easy for you to say! Don't you understand? I just lost my destiny! I'm not Apple's Prince Charming!"

"And I'm not a damsel in distress!" Darling fired back. "Some of us aren't going to follow our original destinies."

"Raven did. No one ever thought she would and now look what happened!"

"Raven did what she had to, to save her friends! She had a choice to make, and so do you."

"I was so sure I was Apple's Prince Charming! If my kiss can't wake her, I don't know what can."

At this point, Daring and Darling both noticed that Briar was trying to wake Apple up by shaking her. Apple's eyes opened suddenly and she sat up and took a shaky breath before falling back down and returning to her sleep.

Darling ran over and stood by her friend's side as an idea hit her. Darling checked if Apple's heart was beating. Everyone was confused by her actions. "Breathe, Apple! Breathe!" Darling said, desperation in her voice.

Darling started to perform CPR by placing her mouth to Apple's, in hope to get air into her lungs but the kids broke the curse!

Apples eyes fluttered open and she sat up, coughing the cloudy remains of the curse out. There were lots of shouts from the people in the clearing, mainly consisting of "Apple's back" and "Apple woke up".

"What happened?" Apple asked. "Did Daring wake me up?" Daring did a face at this, a little embarrassed. "Wait. Where's Raven? And Lacia? They were here before I fell asleep. What happened?!"

No one wanted to break the news to Apple.

The shout of Apple White could be heard for miles in all directions. "UNHEXEPTABLE!"

"The Evil Queen cannot be allowed to win like this. We have to do something!" Apple said, trying to get people to help her get her friends back.

"I'm sorry Apple, but I think we're too late." Ashlyn told her.

"You don't understand. This is all my fault! I set the Evil Queen free. I thought keeping her secret was going to be good for Ever After High, good for all of us. But look at all the trouble it led to. And Raven and Lacia both joining sides with their mother, it's not the happily ever After that Raven wanted, and Lacia would never do something like that willingly. Please, help me fight back. Help me save out friends! We have dragons and we have the booking glass! We just need the passcode!" Apple told everyone.

"We've tried Apple. But it's not like we can guess the combination. Daring just got lucky when he got captured." Darling told her and then was interrupted by Daring.

"Lucky? I wouldn't put it that way." He said with a light chuckle.

"I would!" A voice said from above the trees. Legend flew down and landed, revealing Faybelle on her back.

"Let me guess, don't know how to unlock the booking glass?" Faybelle asked them as she dismounted the large dragon.

Faybelle grabbed the mirror and flew a few feet above the air. She started some sort of air gymnastics routine while saying "one, two, three, four, that booking glass is locked no more!" The booking glass glowed purple. "What shall I capture? Mmh, how about a sandwich!" Faybelle said and the sandwich that tooth fairy-Sparrow was about to eat was sucked into the mirror.

Faybelle tossed the mirror into Darling's arms.

"I don't understand, why are you switching sides?" Darling asked her.

"This dark fairy is just out for revenge! I worked my wings off for that ungrateful queen! Let's see how well her wicked plans go without Faybelle in her corner!"

"Well what are you waiting for people?" Darling asked the other students.

"Dragon up!" Apple yelled.

Darling glanced at the booking glass and frowned. "Somebody is going to have a change of heart." That's what Raven told me before she left." Darling told the others.

"But What does that mean?" Apple asked her.

"It means, that she knew Faybelle was going to get angry at the Evil Queen, and switch sides!" Ashlyn said.

"This was part of her plan all along! She's playing her mother." Maddie excitedly shouted.

Darling smiled. "And she knows that we're coming, with the Booking Glass."

The students all mounted their dragons, sometimes pairing up, and flew off towards the high school.

The teenagers of Ever After High were going to fight the most powerful person Ever After had ever seen.

May whatever god you pray to help them.

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