Fire hiccups

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"Ooh! These faux gems look so real! They could use a bit of a polish though." Daring said as he gazed at his reflection in the booking glass. He polished the gems, unintentionally putting in the correct sequence code. "Rapture, a delicious meal!" he said as he prepared to eat. A green beam of light sucked the food up into the mirror. "Delicious meal captured." It spoke. "Oh come on! Who took my cotton candy?" Daring asked no one in particular.

Up at the top of one of the corner pillars of the arena, Headmaster Grimm, Giles, and Baba Yaga all stood, nervously watching what was happening. Faybelle snuck up behind them with a handful of the dust that the Evil Queen had given her. "Hey, esteemed faculty! Say cheese!" She said and blew the dust at them.

On their podiums, the Evil Queen and Snow White stood opposite each other as their teams took their positions on the field. Raven and Apple faced each other on their dragons.

"Apple, it's just us." said Raven, trying to get Apple out of whatever competitive trance she was in. "It's our destinies." She replied back. "You against me. Doesn't this feel right?"

The ball was released and the two flew up to catch it. Raven got there first. "Right? Uh my mom is free and Darling is hurt Apple!"

"I know! It wasn't supposed to happen! For real!"

Raven flew away from Apple, annoyed at her. But Apple kept following her. "Don't you want vengeance? Doesn't your heart desire victory over me? Aren't you angry?"

"Am I angry?" Raven flew away a little then turned to face Apple once again. "Yeah! I am angry Apple!"

"Good! Follow your destiny!"

"I am angry that you don't listen! I'm angry because you say that you are my friend but are so selfish! It's all about what you want! What kind of friend refuses to listen?"

"I just want our happily ever after!"

Raven threw the ball to Apple. "Then have it. I'm not playing any games any more!"

Raven flew away from the arena.

"At least my mom will be proud of me!" Apple yelled after her.

"Raven, where are you going?" Poppy yelled after her. Raven didn't answer.

A look of determination crossed Apple's face and she flew off towards her goal hoop. Holly and Poppy flew after her. Apple managed to dodge them both and flew through a blue gem and then a red one. Apple threw the ball and got it through the hoop. Another sixty points were added on to her team's side of the scoreboard. 110 points.

Apple flew over to where the Evil Queen stood on her podium. "It won't work. Raven won't turn evil." Apple told her. "She doesn't have to. It is enough that others think she has." Was the reply. "Now head back in. I've got this." The evil Queen told her.

The Evil Queen watched as Raven fly nearer to Ever After High. "A smouldering pyre, to a dragon flier, I summon forth uncontrollable fire!" She cast and the spell made Nevermore lose control of her fire breath.

"Woah!" Raven yelled as Nevermore accidentally set fire to the school towers. The crowd all watched what was happening. "Look it's Raven! Burning down the school!" Faybelle yelled so everyone heard. Everyone gasped and ducked down as Rave and Nevermore flew over the pitch, burning one of the corner pillars.

"Watch out!" Raven yelled and Lacia buried her head in her arm, the dragon wear protecting her. "Raven, what the hex is happening?" she yelled up at her sister who answered "I don't know!"

The fire from Nevermore hit the bleachers and the students all ran away. Kitty Cheshire disappeared in barely enough time to avoid being barbecued.

The spell on Nevermore had worn off now and she was far too tired. "Oh you poor thing!" Raven said while leaning to let the dragon's head. "Come on! We need to get out of here!"

Lacia watched as her sister flew away. "Not so fast!" She said and whistled for Morningstar. As the dragon flew over, Lacia jumped on her back and flew off after Raven.

"You! Up to your wicked ways again!" Snow yelled at the Evil Queen over the crackling fire. "Me? She's on your team!" The Evil Queen yelled back. "This ends now!" Snow grabbed the mirror from her bag and aimed it at the Evil Queen. "Capture the Evil Queen!" Nothing happened and Snow started panicking.

"Looking for this?" The Evil Queen asked, holding up what they both thought was the real booking glass. The Evil Queen smashed the mirror and dropped it before walking up to Snow.

"Hey! I have one of those mirrors too!" Daring said. "If it's good enough for the Queen then it's certainly good enough to capture Daring Charming's-" He didn't get to finish because the green beam of light sucked him into the mirror. "Daring Charming captured." The mirror said.

"Cool! A world of mirrors! Why can't I see myself? I'm on the flip side of the mirrors? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ooh my cotton candy!"

"The games at last are over! Take her!" The Evil Queen commanded and the (mildly possessed) brothers Grimm walked towards Snow who looked terrified. The Evil Queen looked around at the chaos in the arena and smirked.

On a ledge on the side of a mountain near the arena, Raven sat next to Lacia, both of them petting their dragons. "She did it! She took control of the entire school! What's next?" Raven asked worriedly. "I'm not sure." Lacia said sadly. "But we'll figure it out. Together!"

Lacia's tale. The Dragon GamesWhere stories live. Discover now