Chapter 27: Janae

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Last chapter recap - June I think my heart melted on the floor hearing Owens's cute little voice say that he would hold Oakley's hand.

He must have had the same effect on Oakley because the next thing that my brother said was "Fine ill stay. But only because Owen asked me to. Not because I am still sick."


I can't believe Oakley did this to us.

The bastard knew he was sick. He knew that he was not healing properly.

Thankfully the doctor said that Oakley was doing better and that he could go home today.

Of course, we had to lie and say we were 18 but I suppose it's not the worst idea we have ever had.

The worst idea we probably ever had was doing this. Running away sucks.

I know that it was my idea in the first place but still.

Running away was a lot of trouble.

Anyways, we were all waiting now for the doctor to come back in and give Oakley the final check before we can finally get out of this retched place.

Owen was still sitting next to Oakley on his hospital bed. He hadn't left his side since he woke up yesterday.

"Oakley! You get to go home today!" Owen said in excitement.

There is only so much entertainment that a hospital can provide for a 6-year-old but Owen has done great. He is such a perfect kid.

"Yeah Owen, we all get to go home today," he said glaring at me, June, and Oliver.

Oakley had wanted us to go home a while ago but we refused. We were too scared that if we left, Oakley would try to sign himself out and we did not want that.

The doctor then walked back in.

"Hello, you guys! I'm here to check back in on Oakley but looking at his charts I think that he's good to go. Please continue to take these for the next ten days," he gave Oakley a bottle of pills "to help with the infection and come back if your wounds start to feel hot or if you feel sick in any kind of way. Your sisters seem to know what they are doing based on the conversations that I've had with them, listen to them." I glared at Oakley when he said that.

"Other than that you and your siblings are free to leave! Just check out at the front desk." The doctor said before leaving.

As soon as he left June looked over at Oakley, "Did you hear what he said? The doctor told you that you need to listen to me and Janae."

Oakley rolled his eyes, "June, Janae, you guys know that I am perfectly fine. You two don't need to boss me around any more than you already do."

June did not like his response "Oakley James Price, if you would have listened to us and told us in the first place then none of this would have happened. From now on you better tell us everything that's wrong with you, and I mean it." She yelled at him.

He sighed in defeat "Okay okay, I got it. I will tell you guys that I feel sick from now on. I promise. Trust me I do not want to come back here again."

Now that was something that I believed. Oakley has hated it here since the moment he woke up and has not stopped complaining about it.

Oakley removed his blanket off of him and Owen and swung his legs over the bed and onto the floor.

I turned and whispered to Oliver "Go help him stand. He's been lying down for the past four days. Be ready to catch him if he falls."

He nodded and went next to Oakley to help him stand.

Oakley obviously knew what I had said to Oliver because as soon as he came over, Oakley told him. "I don't need help, I know how to walk," and rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Oakley, you have not stood up in four days. Let me stand here just in case. We are not saying that you can't walk but I am just here as a precaution in case you fall." Oliver told him.

Oakley then stood up and thankfully didn't fall over.

"See, I told you I was fine," he said.

Owen then got up too and grabbed Oakley's hand. "It's okay, I'll help you walk Oakley, just hold my hand and we can walk together!"

We all smiled at Owen's sweet gesture.

"Thanks, buddy, I'm glad you will help me," Oakley said and then followed Owen out the door.


We have been home for two hours and you would never have known that Oakley was just in the hospital. He was completely back to his usual self which we all were thankful for.

As much as it annoyed me to say, we needed Oakley.

He was the one we always turned to when we needed help. He always had a plan and always knew how to help. Sure he could be annoying sometimes but we would be completely lost without him.

Owen had just gone to bed and the four of us were all sitting at the table. Enjoying the peaceful silence of all of us being together.

That's when suddenly the silence was broken by the cries of Owen.

All four of us stood up and ran into the living room where he was sleeping on the couch.

When we enter the room he was sitting up with the pillows and blankets thrown everywhere and his face was soaked from the tears that streaked down his little face.

"Owen baby, what's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" I asked going to go and pick him up.

As soon as I lifted him up he wrapped his little arms around my neck and his legs around my waist holding on super tight, snuggling his face into my shoulder.

He didn't respond to my questions, not being able to talk, hyperventilating from crying so much.

I rocked him and rubbed his back, trying to comfort him and whispering in his ear "Shhhh Owen, it's okay. You are safe, you are okay, and nothing is wrong. We just need you to calm down a bit and talk to us."

It took probably around four to five minutes of rocking him and soothing him before he finally said just above a whisper. "She's hurt badly. We have to help her now. She is not okay. She's bleeding and hungry and thirsty."

This sparked Oakley's attention. He took Owen from my arms and asked "Who Owen, who are you talking about?"

I knew what he was going to say before he even said it.

"My twin sister Jenifer. I can just feel it. She needs help now."

I knew what kind of feeling he was having. I had the same happen to me when something is wrong with June and sometimes the boys.

Oakley who was still holding Owen looked at him and said, "What's wrong with her, can you tell?"

Owen had a far-off look in his eyes and zoned out for a second before saying, "She's dying. She needs help right now."

AN: Man I was hoping this would not happen again, but here I am updating late again, sorry yall. I promise I am going to make it up to you guys this summer when school is out and I can write all day.

This chapter was on the shorter side and probably sucks because it was a bit rushed I just felt so bad for not updating enough. Thank you to all of you who continue to read my little story.

Hopefully, I will get better at updating but I stay super busy. Thanks for understanding.

I love you all so much <3

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