Chapter 29: Oliver

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Last Chapter Recap- Owen

I felt Oakley hug me a little tighter.

"Don't worry about what they have said to you or what they have done to you. You are never going to have to deal with them again. We are going to get your sister and never come back."

I smiled blissfully at his words and lay my head back on his shoulder.


I was scared out of my mind.

I mean we were about to kidnap a girl from crazy people.

I trusted Oakley with my life of course but even he looked the tiniest bit fearful.

We were approaching their house and I couldn't believe what I saw.

The place didn't look liveable at all. The roof looked like it could cave in at any moment. The floors look like they are completely rotted through and I think that if a small gust of wind came by it would destroy the whole thing.

The house also smelled horrible. We hadn't even walked in the door and I could smell the indescribable stench.

Owen lifted his head off of Oakley's shoulder and said "Their car is gone so they are not home! We can go through the front door."

We approached the front door and Oakley handed Owen off to me.

"Im going to kick open the door. You two stay back." He said.

Owen and I moved back and he only had to kick once for the whole thing to fall in.

The three of us entered the house and it somehow managed to look even worse on the inside than the out.

There were piles of garbage stacked in high piles in almost every corner. I had to pull my shirt over my nose to help block the smell but even that provided little protection from the stench.

I looked over at Owen in my arms and he looked very scared. I could tell he definitely had some bad memories from this place. He was clutching onto me with all of his little strength. I could tell the poor kid was exhausted and we were just getting started.

Oakley was in front of us, holding his sword out just in case.

We turned the corner and saw what looked like would be the basement door.

Owen was too sleepy to tell us where the basement was so Oakley and I were just going on a whim.

Oakley opened the door and we looked inside.

Dark stairs lead into an almost pitch-black room. I took a flashlight out of my bag and shined it down.

We slowly made our way down the creaky stairs. I was afraid that the floor beneath me would fall in with every step I took.

Oakley and I weren't talking to each other, just sharing glances, afraid to make any noise and scare the twins.

When we reached the bottom I used the flashlight to scan the room, looking for any signs of Jenifer.

When we did find her I was in outer shock of her condition.

She was tied up to the wall and covered in blood. Her head was slumped down and it looked like she wasn't breathing.

Oakley and I both rushed over to her, the movement of us waking Owen.

"Oh my gosh! Jenifer!" Owen yelled and leaped out of my arms, running to her.

"Woah woah Owen, calm down" Oakley held his arm out to block Owen. "We have to be very gentle she is obviously very hurt so we have to be careful."

I could hear the panic in my brother's voice. It was a rare thing from him but it was prominent now. He was afraid for the same reason as I.

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