Chapter 32: June

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Last chapter recap- Oakley

"Now all three of you need to get to bed, it is much too late for my little babies to be awake," I said picking on the three of them.

They all rolled their eyes at my antics.

"Oakley you should make jokes more often. You are actually kind of funny." Oliver said, "I mean of course not as funny as me but sometimes you make me chuckle."

I smiled, "Yeah except for the fact that I wasn't joking. Go to bed."


I surprisingly was the first person to wake up the next morning and I couldn't help myself from going into the living room to see the twins sleeping so sweetly.

Owen at some point must have noticed he had been placed in the same bed as Jenifer because he had his arms wrapped around her and had pulled her face into his chest.

It was honestly the most adorable thing I had ever seen. How anyone could hurt these precious babies was so appalling.

Oakley was next to wake up which was no surprise. He found me just watching the twins sleep peacefully.

"What are you doing?" He whispered to me.

"Just watching, look how cute they are," I whispered back.

He smiled, "Yes they are very cute."

I pulled him into the kitchen so that we could talk more without risking the twins waking up.

There was a question that I had been dying to ask him since Owen came.

"So are we going to tell the twins who we really are?"

"What do you mean tell the twins who you really are?"

Me and Oakley both turned our heads so fast to see Owen holding Jenifer's hand and both of them had a matching confused and frightened look on their faces.

I turned to Oakley hoping that he would have something to say to get us out of this but by the look on his face, he had nothing.

As if right on cue Oliver walks in like his usually goofy self "Good morning everyone!" he says not reading the room.

When no one replied he finally looked at the four of us. The twins, looking scared and us looking panicked.

"What happened? Are you guys alright?" He asked approaching the twins who backed away in fear when he got close.

When he saw the twins do this he immediately turned and looked at me and Oakley "What did you two do?"

I didn't know what to say.

But Owen did "Who are you? Where are your parents? Why did you save us?" he said, trying to talk sternly but he sounded more scared than scary.

Jenifer was completely terrified now and was fully hiding behind Owen.

Any trust we had built with her had now just been washed down the drain and it was all my fault. I should have made sure that they were still asleep.

"Owen, we are like you and Jenifer. Our parents were bad people and we had to run away from them. We helped you because it was the right thing to do and we know how you felt." Oakley said, trying to help the twins calm down a bit.

I think it helped because Owen looked a little less scared but not Jenifer.

"That's right, I was asking when we are going to tell you that we are quadruplets! Surprise!" I said, trying to help but I think I did the opposite.

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