Chapter 12: June

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I didn't know what to do.

I was holding a crying Janae in my arms while both of my brothers were outside the door begging to be let in.

My sister was shaking and looked like she was in some sort of trance.

I have no idea if she could hear me but I did the only thing I could think to do.

"Shhhh Janae, it's okay, I've got you," I said as I tried rocking her.

We were sitting on the ground and I was holding her trying to comfort her.

She was balled up and had her head on my shoulder. I could feel her tears on me and it was breaking me.

I have no clue what happened.

She just ran out of the kitchen into this room and I followed.

We sat there for probably 20 minutes before she stopped crying. I looked down and she was asleep.

She was exhausted between this and not sleeping last night.

I couldn't move with her on me so I called the boys in because I knew they were right outside the door and Janae would sleep through anything so I wasn't worried about waking her up.

"Oakley! Oliver! You can come in!"

They tried to open the door but then I remembered it was locked.

"June, can you let us in?" Oakley asked through the door.

"No, she's asleep on me and I need you to come to move her. You are going to have to pick the lock or break the door down."

"How close are you to the door? If we broke it down would you be in the way?" Oakley asked.

"No we're in the corner on the far side, it shouldn't be a problem."

They immediately started to kick the door down. It was an old wooden door and so it wasn't that hard for the two of them to knock it down on their third try.

When they knocked it down the two of them rushed over to us and bent down to our level.

"June? What happened?" Oliver asked.

Both of my brothers looked like, I don't know how to explain it, a mixture of sad, angry, and concerned.

"I don't know she was really panicky and didn't stop crying until she fell asleep," I told them.

"Give her here, ill move her," Oakley took her from me and put her on the bed.

"Light a candle in here right now so that if she wakes up and it's dark she won't freak out," I told Oakley.

He did and then the three of us went back into the kitchen to eat dinner. Oakley's rabbit was pretty good and the berries he picked were okay to eat so the three of us all ate and saved a little bit for Janae.

We had just finished up when there was a knock at the door.

"What was that?" Oliver asked.

"Someone is at the door," Oakley said really quietly.

Then they knocked again.


"Go! Hide in Janae's room! Wake her up!" Oakley whisper yelled.

The three of us ran into Janae's room, both of my brothers were much faster than me so Oakley ended up grabbing my hand and pulling me.

Oliver was already shaking Janae awake when Oakley and I got in.

"All three of you get in the closet right now" Oakley pushed us into the closet.

"No no no! Please!" Janae screamed into Oliver's arms.

"Janae it's okay, I've got you, please don't scream," Oliver said and picked her up.

Oakley closed the door on us and ran.

The three of us were in the closet trying to stay as quiet as possible. 

Oliver was holding a shaking and crying, Janae.

I could feel her tremors next to me.

I wish she would tell me what was wrong.

I wish I knew how to help her.

I reached out and grabbed her hand trying to comfort her best I could.

It was super dark in here and the three of us barely fit.

I also could hear the commotion going on outside.

It sounded like Oakley had gone up and opened the door.

"Hello, officer? How may I help you?"

He sounded so calm and collected, I have no idea how he always manages to do that.

"Son, what are you doing here? You should be at home. This house is private property and no trespassing is allowed," the officer told him.

"Oh I apologize sir I'll leave right now"

"Not so fast" I could hear some movement from the officer.

"I know how you teenagers are, I'm not leaving until I search the house for more of you" the officer yelled.

That made me start to panic. What would happen if he found us?

Would he recognize us?

Please don't recognize us.

I have no clue how familiar we are amongst the people in our kingdom but the officer didn't seem to know who Oakley was and so hopefully if he finds us he won't know who we are.

I don't even know how far away from home we are.

We might not even be in our own kingdom.

I could hear the officer going through the house. He was breaking through things and I knew he was about to come into our room.

"Why's the door already broken down?" The officer asked Oakley.

"I don't know it was like that when I got here sir."

Oakley's such a good liar.

I felt my heart start beating more and more as the officer got closer to the door.

He walked around for a long time and I thought maybe he would skip over us.

Of course, I was incorrect because then he pulled open the closet door.

AN: Okay so I kinda lied in the last chapter when I said we would find out what's up with Janae. But I promise the next chapter it will all come out. It's a Janae chapter and it's going to be a big one so get ready.


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