Chapter 20: June

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Last chapter recap- Oakley

He wasn't wrong. I was exhausted but I was doing okay. I had other things to worry about than sleep.

I  changed into my pajamas which were just a pair of loose shorts and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Not having any time to think about all the things that had happened that day.


As soon as the boys left the room I turned to look at Janae. I wanted to apologize. For not noticing. How did I not know that she would disappear? Janae and I have been glued at the hip our whole lives. We never spend time apart. How did I let this happen?

I rolled over to tell her how sorry I was but when I did she was already fast asleep.

Poor thing still had tear stains on her cheeks. I got up and went into the bathroom, took a cloth and wet it then came and wiped her face off. Thank God she was a deep sleeper and this did wake her up. How on earth she stayed asleep is beyond me.

After, I laid back down and fell asleep.


When I woke up Janae was gone.

I sat up to look for her but saw that she had just gone into the bathroom. I heard the water running and knew she was in the shower.

I opened my door and headed into the kitchen where I could hear the boys in there making noise.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" I asked.

They both turned their head to me before Oakley told me "Nothing much, just talking about how this morning I need to head out and get us soon food because we don't even have enough food for breakfast."

I immediately asked "Can I come with you? Please?"

I was desperate to look around the village. All that I had seen was the alley Oliver and I got attacked in and this apartment building.

Oakley looked back at me "I don't think that's a good idea. I think just I should go. I mean after what happened last time I think it would be better if just I went."

That was not the answer I wanted.

"Please Oakley." I begged "You can't leave me and Janae here with Oliver. What if something happens here? Wouldn't I be safer with you?"

He rolled his eyes "There is a much higher chance of something happening to you on the streets than with you here at home."

He was starting to get on my nerves.

"Pretty please Oakley. I want to see the town. I promise that I will be extra careful and stay with you the whole time." I said in kind of a whiny tone.

I think me annoying him to say yes was working because he let out a defeated sigh and said "Fine but you are not allowed to leave my side and I don't want you to talk to anyone or do anything that would draw attention to us. Got it?"

I ran up and hugged him, "Thank you, Oakley!"

He smiled, you're welcome, now go get ready, we will leave soon.

I nodded and headed back into my room. As I walked in my sister walked out of the bathroom.

"Hi Janae, are you doing better this morning?" I asked her.

She nodded "Yeah I'm fine, but can we not talk about it? You guys know now and so there is no reason to talk about it anymore."

I understood how she felt. "Yeah, Janae that's fine. I won't bring it up again and I'll tell the boy's the same. I'm actually just about to head out with Oakley to go and get us some more food."

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