Chapter 52: Jasmine

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"Papa please."

"No Jasmine, I have already told you."

"But I am 18. I am an adult. You know that you can trust me."

"It's not you that I am worried about darling. I know I can trust you but I can't trust that you will be safe. I am not risking it."

"I've been on hundreds of missions before, this one is no different."

"Yes, this one is different. I am not letting you leave this compound without me and that is final."

I huffed in annoyance of my overprotective Father.

"What if I bring Mason with me? You trust Mason. He is one of our best fighters and you know it. He won't let anything happen to me. Besides I won't let anything happen to myself. I don't need a babysitter."

"Jasmine you are my only child and I will not let anything happen to you. It is not safe and I do not trust your life in anyone's hands besides my own. Now please get out of my office. I have other things that need my attention. My decision is final. You are not going."

"Fine!" I half shouted at him and then left his office.

I was the only person on earth that could get away with yelling at him. My Father was a ruthless killer. The King of the world's largest Mafia. No one dared to disrespect him.

No one but me. He was being an ass anyway.

I have been begging my father for years to let me go on a mission without him with me but he has refused.

I turned 18 last week and so I thought that maybe I could finally go.

He takes me on some of his missions to teach me and help me one day be a good leader but he can be very overprotective sometimes.

I left his office and headed towards the training rooms. I made my way down through the halls of our compound.

Our Mafia consisted of many of these hidden underground compounds where members trained, worked, and lived.

This was our biggest main compound and the only home I had ever known. I knew this place like the back of my hand. Nowhere was off limits to me.

As I headed down I received many head bows and "Princess."

It was a rule that any man who came across me must bow to me and regard me with respect.

Very few people even knew my real name. Most of our men just knew me as The Princess.

It was easy to spot me within the compound as I was the only girl who lived in any of the compounds. I was the only girl in the Mafia.

My Father had made it very clear that I was the most important thing to him and that I was to be treated like a Princess at all times by everyone.

"Hello Princess, honored to make your acquaintance." I heard as soon as I entered the training room.

Mason bowed his head however I could see the smirk hidden on his face.

"Stop. You are going to make me lose my mind."

He stood up and his smirk was still glued on his face. "He said no again huh?"

"I don't understand why he has to be like this. I can take care of myself. How does he expect me to run the Mafia one day if he won't even let me leave the compound without him?"

"Jasmine you are the most important thing in the world to him. He is not going to risk anything happening to his 'precious princess,'" He mocked.

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