Chapter 44: Oakley Part 1

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So this chapter ended up being extremely long and so I decided to split the chapter up into two parts, I hope you enjoy!!

Last Chapter Recap- Jenifer

I think I had cried myself to sleep on Oliver's lap because the next thing I knew it was daylight outside and we had arrived at the castle.


I woke up in a hospital bed.

I had no clue how I ended up here but I knew this hospital bed better than my own bed.

It was mine.

When June and I had been born and 1st diagnosed, Father had built our own hospital in the castle just for the two of us.

I looked over to my left and saw June in the same place as me. I looked down at my own body and realized that the hives had almost disappeared on both me and June.

She was still asleep but I just knew that she was definitely feeling better.

If we are home, where are my other siblings?

I stood up from my bed. There were no doctors around and nothing stopped me.

That was of course until my siblings plus Lucus walked in.

"Oakley James Price what are you doing?" Janae said as she entered and came over to push me back down.

"I was going to come look for you."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, good thing you didn't because Father doesn't even know we are home yet and you could have got us caught. Again." She added that last part just to embarrass me.

"Wait, what do you mean Father doesn't know we are here?"

"We arrived here a couple hours ago Your Highness but I didn't want to tell the King you were here until you and Princess June woke up and were feeling better because I know that the King is going to want to speak to you," Lucus said.

He's going to want to speak to me.

"Thank you, Lucus." I turned to Janae, "Look, the hives have almost completely gone away on both me and June." I showed her my arms and legs where you could barely even tell that they were there.

She smiled "That's great, let me check your temperature, that will be the real test."

She put the thermometer in my mouth. Right after she did that June started to wake up.

"How did we get here?" She mumbles as she slowly sits up. Oliver goes over to her and helps her sit up, "Lucus brought us here but Father still doesn't know we are here."

"Ugh, Lucus can you please just take us back to where we were and pretend that we ran away again," June said.

"I'm sorry Princess, no can do."

Janae approached me again and removed the thermometer, "No fever! How are you feeling?"

"Much better than I was."

"Yeah me too," June added.

"Well your Highness's I am very glad that you are doing better but we really need to get you to the King."

I did not want to do that. Maybe if I pretended that I was still sick then we could procrastinate this more.

No, it was time. I had to go and take care of this, there was no more hiding and no more running away.

"Did they say what was wrong with us?" June asked.

"We didn't get a doctor because we didn't want to risk Father finding out we were back yet but I was able to sneak into the library and do some research and I think they were stress hives. Stress most likely from the fact that we were separated," Janae told us.

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