Chapter 9: Janae

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I should've known that something was going to go wrong.

It all started that morning in the cave.

"Janae, wake up, we have to get going," Oakely gently shook me awake.

I leaned over to wake June up because both of my brothers were already up. They must have been up for a while because they both looked way more put together than I did.

"June, come on, it's time to get up," I pushed on her shoulder.

She didn't move. She is a very light sleeper like Oakley so her not waking up immediately caused some panic.

"June!" I said again, shaking her more violently.

My brothers notice my panic and join in on trying to wake her up.

"June! Wake up"

I placed my head on her chest to try and check for a heartbeat.

Thank God there was one.

I then put my hand on her forehead.

"She's burning up," I said while opening my bag and taking out a rag and some water. I placed the cloth on her head in hopes of cooling her down and waking her up.

It worked because his eyes fluttered open.

"June, are you okay," Oakley asked while he and Oliver lifted her up to a sitting position on the wall.

She groaned in response "my head hurts."

Oakley scooped her up and sat her in his lap and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Shhh June, It's okay, I've got you, just rest." He gently cooed and caused her to fall asleep in his arms.

"Oakley you shouldn't be holding her. She could be contagious and I can't deal with two of you sick," I said.

"I'll be fine. We need to get moving because we didn't pack enough to lose any time. I will carry June and we can go," he says.

"Like hell, you will, Oakley we can deal with a sick June. I can carry her. If you also get sick we will definitely be screwed," Oliver says."Now give her here and let's get going."

Oakley was hesitant but he knew we were right. The boys gently traded her off and we headed out.


I seriously doubted my brother's strength. It was about midday and he was still holding June. He hadn't even broken a sweat.

I on the other hand. I was dying. My feet were killing me and I was still tired from sleeping in a cave (not very comfortable)

"Can we take a beak?" I asked.

"Yes, I want to check on June," Oakley came to June and took her from Oliver.

We found a log that had fallen over and decided to sit there.

"June, wake up please." Oakley shook her.

She opened her eyes and I came and sat next to the two of them. Oakley had her sitting sideways on his lap so I took out my thermometer and rechecked her.

"101 degrees" I sighed as took the thermometer from her mouth.

"Junie how are you feeling," Oliver asked.

Him and his nicknames.

"I'm so tired and my head is still killing me" she whined and put her head on Oakley's shoulder.

She didn't scold Oliver for the nickname so you know she's not doing good.

"Janae do you have any painkillers?" Oakley looked desperate.

"I can check"

Luckily I did and I handed the pills to Oakley.

He opened his water bottle and gave both to June.

"Slowly June"

She ate the medicine and drank the water.

"Thank you," she said and then closed her eyes and went back into Oakley's shoulder.

"Oliver let me take her for the rest of the day, you've had her for long enough."

"Oakley, I'm not doing this. I'm taking her, that's final," Oliver says.

These boys were seriously about to fight about this.

"Oliver is right, we can't have both of you sick." I said, "But, Oliver if you need a break you better tell us." I pointed my finger at him.

And we were off

AN: sorry yall for the lack of updates this week. I'm in drivers Ed rn plus regular school so I've just been super busy but I wanted to get a quick chapter out today

Seriously love you guys <3

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