Chapter 42: Oliver

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Last Chapter Recap- Owen

"But in all seriousness. I understand why you were upset but I hope you know that he didn't do any of this on purpose. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and if there is one thing I know about Oakley is that he is very protective. He promised to keep Jenifer safe and he did. He also going to protect the two of you from your parents. You guys have nothing to fear. You are never going back there."

I smiled at him again, "Thanks, Ollie."

"Anytime buddy."


June being sick and covered with these mystery hives was enough. Oakley having them too was going to drive me mad.

As soon as I walked into the cell the first thing I noticed was my brother's pale face propping himself up in the corner and his entire body covered in these red hives.

The same ones that had been tormenting my sister for the past 24 hours.

I was holding June and placed her next to Oakley. Normally when one of them is sick we try to keep the two as far away from each other as possible but since they both had it, we might as well put them together.

June instantly woke up when she had been placed on the ground next to Oakley.

"Hi Oakley, we missed you," she said before lying down on him and falling back asleep.

Janae immediately whipped out her thermometer and checked Oakley's temperature.

After waiting for a minute or so she took it out of his mouth, "Yep, just as I suspected, you're running a fever."

He just groaned and then leaned his head against the wall.

"Are your hives itchy too?" I asked him.

He just nodded in reply.

I was so glad to see him.

I'd never been more worried in my life.

I tend not to stress about most things in life. I consider myself a very carefree person.

But that was because I had Oakley to focus and stress for me. He always has a plan and always knows what to do.

Not having him to help me or lead me was bad and caused me to break down. I couldn't function without him.

As much as I liked to pick on him and annoy him. I was truly nothing without him.


Here I was being all mushy and lovey.

"Well, I need to talk to both of you about your medicine," Janae said as June woke up again.

"Both of you are supposed to take your medicine every single day. It keeps you healthy and prevents you from getting sick. Both of you get refills on the same day and take the same amount. So you better have a damn good reason as to why Oakley's bottle was empty and June was still half full." Janae was heated.

Janae was scary when she was mad, she rarely does get mad but when she does it is not a pretty sight to see.

The two of them looked sheepishly at each other. They were hiding something.

"What have you two been up to? What are you hiding?" I asked.

Oakley sighed, I guess he figures there is no getting over this.

"I've been giving June some of my medicine, to keep her healthy."

"And I have been skipping days to make the supply last even longer. I also have told Oakley multiple times that he needs to take his medicine just as much as I do but he refuses." June glared at Oakley.

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