19 // "I hate being like this."

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Carly's POV*

So far nothing bad has happened. I've been practically attached to Luke the whole night and that's how I wanted it to be anyway. I didn't want to be left alone in a house packed with drunk, high and horny teenagers.

Charlotte ran off about two hours ago with a boy, I couldn't actually see who he was but whatever, good for her. I'm glad that she's letting go again, I just want her to be okay.

"Have I told you how pretty you look." Luke whispered in my ear, whilst sneaking his arms around my waist from behind.

"Yes and if you say it again I'll just be forced to punch you to knock some sense into you."

"Well, you look--" Luke was interrupted when a loud noise came from behind them. It was obviously loud because it was heard over the loud thumps of the music. Luke turned around and I followed his movements by looking towards where the sound came from.

I gasped.

"Michael!" Luke screeched as he ran to his best friends body that was spread out on the floor.

I followed as soon as my mind comprehended the sight of the blood pouring from his forehead.

"Michael, stay with me bro." Luke said when Michaels eyes started to flutter shut. "Carly, ambulance." I took out my phone and quickly dialled.

Luke's POV*

The sounds of other drunken teenagers and music started to fade away while I focused on Michael.

He was bleeding. Badly.

I tried to stop it by putting my hands over his wound and talking to him until the ambulance got there. I haven't got a clue where Ashton and Calum are but we'll find them later.

"Take him outside Luke." I heard Carly say as she pulled on my sleeve. I did as she said, picking him up and slinging him over my shoulder. As soon as we got outside I put Michael on a bench and started pacing.

I didn't realise how glossy my eyes where until I felt saw a droplet of water fall from my cheek to the concrete floor below me.

"It's gona be okay, don't worry." Carly said to Michael. He was fine an hour ago and now he's unconscious. Eventhough I didn't know what had happened, I still couldn't help but blame myself. It's always my fucking fault.

I heard distant sirens and then started to breathe again.


"So it seems that Mr.Clifford has gotten into a fight and been hit with some sort of bottle and it's caused a large cut on the left side of his head. I can't see any other trauma so everything's okay but we'll just have to wait and see what happens when he wakes up." The doctor told us.

We waited 3 hours for the results of Michael's X-Ray/Scan thingy.

I sighed in relief and sat down on the arm of the chair in the corner of the room and Carly sat in the chair next to me. Since the ambulance picked him up, I told Carly that I was gonna come to the hospital and look after Michael and, even though I protested, she said she was coming too. We drove to the hospital and sat in the waiting room for a good 2 hours until they finally let us in the room.

Michael was shirtless and had a large bandage wrapped around the top half of his head. I felt bad. If I would've just said no to this whole party this wouldn't have happened. I pressured him into coming and now look.

"Luke this isn't your fault." Carly said softly as she placed her small hands of my thigh. I felt a small shock ignite from her touch. "Luke, how would you know that something like this would happen?"

I wanted to fight back. I wanted to blame myself more but I couldn't do anything, the words weren't coming out. I just couldn't find the energy.

I sniffled. "B-but I pressured him to come."

"It was his choice." I could feel Carly's stares on me, but all I could do right now was leave my head in my hands and look to the floor.

We sat in silence for what felt like forever.

"Luke why don't we get you home, he'll still be here in the morning and if anything happens the doctors will call." Carly told me but I just couldn't leave.
I softly shook my head no and with that she let out a small sigh. "Okay, I'm gonna get coffee then, you want some?" I nodded. She pecked my cheek and walked out.

She's way too nice to me. I know she's my girlfriend but she didn't have to stay here with me, I don't deserve her or anyone. I don't even know what she sees in me. I bet she's just gone to get coffee as an excuse to get away from me.

I hate being like this. Second guessing everything, I wish I could just be normal.

And with that, for the second time this evening, my vision began to blur and my cheeks became damp. I hate it when this happens.

When Carly walked back in the small room 10 minutes later, she had two white cups in her hands. I tried to hide my face from her, not wanting her to see me like this.

"Baby, don't cry." She placed the cups on the side table and kneeled down in front of me. Her eyes met mine and I've never seen anything more beautiful. Her thumb caressed my cheek and I closed my eyes, just enjoying the feeling.

"This is wrong," I said, "I should be the one comforting you when your upset, I'm so fucking pathetic."

"I think it's amazing you can cry," she said as I scoffed, "I'm serious, Luke. Boys don't show emotion, you're so special." I felt my cheeks heat slightly. No ones ever called me special before.

"You're way too nice to me." I whispered and she smiled, showing her perfect, white teeth.

"And you're nice to me too, you just can't see it." She leaned forward and let her lips connect to mine. The kiss was long but not animalistic. It was sweet and I loved feeling her soft lips on mine.

"Gross." A groggy voice came from behind us. My eyes lit up and my body finally relaxed.

"Mikeyyyy." I sang as I stood up and walked beside him, "how you feeling, man?"

"My head is killin' me." he said reaching a hand up to where the bandage was wrapped around his head.

"No shit." I heard Carly giggle from behind me and a small smile appeared on Michael's face.

The doctor came in a few minutes after Michael woke up and he said he should stay for the rest of the night and then he could go home. Michael said it was cool if Carly and I went home and got him in the morning, so that's what we did.

I felt bad about leaving him but he said he was okay and I could tell Carly was tired so after I got him some water and crisps, we left.

"Mine?" I asked Carly as I turned the key and the engine started up.

"Okay." she said with a yawn. I laughed at how cute she is. Her cheeks formed little crinkles as her mouth opened wide and her eyes were slowly closing but she fought to keep them open.

"Baby, go to sleep." And with that, the only sounds I heard where the other cars passing and Carly's beautiful, light breaths.



I know, I suck but I've had exams and shit and I've been busy with dancing and stuff but I'll attempt to update more often

My rowyso is in 16 days and I'm so fucking excited I swear every time I think about it feel like I'm gona pee

Ily guys cos you're all pretty and nice to me and you read my story :-)


gem xo

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