16 // "Close your eyes."

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Carly's POV*

"Sooo, what did you do?" Luke asked. We were talking about the first time I started my pierod... don't ask.

"Well I had to run out of the classroom obvously! I already had the chat with my mum a few weeks before and I was proper scared so when I relised what was happening I ran out of class and locked myself in the toilet," I said through fits of laughter, "I wouldn't come out so they had to call my mum and it took her a soild hour to get me to unlock the door." I face palmed at the memory. I was so embarassing, honestly, who does that!?

"Well if I was in your position, I probably would of done the same to be fair." Luke said looking up from the concrete, taking the little blue spoon from his ice cream and putting it in his mouth backwards.

"Really?" I asked unsure.

"Yeah, well, probably a little less over the top but I can see where you're coming from." We had a serious moment there for about two seconds but then we just carried on laughing.

Luke called me this morning to asked if I wanted to go on an 'adventure'. I wouldn't say getting ice cream and wandering around the park is adventuristic but hey, whatever works right.

"Have I told you how pretty you are?" I blushed at the sudden comment. I'm not very good at taking compliments, I just blush and tell them to shutup becuase I dont believe them.

"Shutup you goof, stop trying to win brownie points." I nudged his shoulder lightly.

To be totaly honest though, he looked so good today. I had a grey jumper and his signature black skinny jeans with one rip in them. Also, his hair was pulled back by a burgendy snapback and I couldnt stop loooking at him. I know I sound creepy but this is the first time I've really noticed how good looking he actually is.

"Lets sit here, comon." He pulled me over to a tree and sat under it in a shady area. He patted his lap, hinting for me to sit there so I did. I sat down and i felt his lips on my shoulder for a few seconds. I love it when he does that, when he shows small bits of affection like kissing the top of my head or putting a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"You know what we should do!" He shouted, all his facial features lighting up.

"What?!" I sounded just as excited just to mock him.

"Rudeness," he chuckled, "but we should carve our names in the tree." I looked at him, confused.

"Why would i do that?" I asked, amused.

"Becuase I'm romantic like that and its cool. You see it in movies and shit like that."

"Wow, so ramantic Lucas." I couldn't help but feel excited. This is kind of vandilism but who gives shit about that stuff. Its cute.

Luke dug his hand into his pocket and rumeged around a little until he heard the small clang of his keys. He pulled them out of his jeans and showed me a toothy grin.

He leaned in close so his lips were next to my ear, his hot breath sent chills down my spine, "Close your eyes." he told me.

So I did.

I felt Luke wiggle beneath me and I took in all my surroundings but still keeping my eyes closed. I felt the cool summers breeze on my skin. My hair was being pushed and pulled by the slight gust of wind every few seconds.

"Open princess." I felt Luke now behind me and his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. In messy hand writing, right where Luke said it would be, it said:

Carly, will you be mine?

It's happening. I knew what my answer was though.

I turned around to see a slightly nervous Luke. I couldn't help but make him sweat a little bit, it was funny.

"I dono, can I let you know tomorrow?" He knew I was joking when he saw the devilish smile on my face.

"Your so fucking mean to me." he said before pulling me in for a long kiss. I smiled the whole way through it. I can't believe this is happening. I hated this boy a few months ago and now he's my boyfriend.

I hated how he was such a player and how every girl fell head over heals for him and how his stupid hair always looked good and how anyone would do anything just to sit with him at lunch. It really did piss me off, and I told him that probably like 2 weeks ago but now... everything's so different.

I lov- not love, like. I can't love him yet... can I?

I don't know but I know that I'm happy and he's happy and that's what matters.

I pulled away, "Yes, but one condition." I said

"Anything for you."

"You have to stop letting me win at fifa, I want a real match." I said while laughing.

"God, are you ever serious." and with that we went home to tell the boys the news.




Im happy luke and Carly are official but this is the worst chapter ever and I'm sorry

I wana go so ATL sssoooo badly but the only tickets left are shitty ones :'(

Anyway keep reading pls, vote and comment ly

gem xo

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