7 // "You." (part 2)

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Carly's POV*

Ashton followed behind me. He told me he was going to get some stuff out of the car so he told me their apartment was floor 2, room 13 and left.

It wasn't luxurious but it wasn't a shithole either. As I made my way to Luke's apartment, the scent of fresh paint filled my nosrils and I could hear the sounds of my trainers contacting the brown carpet underneath my feet. I walked up two flights of stairs become more and more axious with every step I took knowing how Luke's going to be manjourly pissed at me for ditching him. I don't know how I'm going to explain myself but I will have to do it at some point so I'll just get it over and down with now.

I finally got to floor 2, room 13. I lifted my hand to knock at the doot and I knocked, slightly regretting it when a tall figure answered; and guess what, he was ofcourse totally hot. Why are all of Luke's friend ridicously good looking? He had black hair which was a little curly at the front but not too much. The really awkward part was the fact he wasn't wearing a shirt...

He cleared his throat, "Hi? Can I help you?" he asked me. I tried to speak but the words didn't come out, my shyness taking over my brain not letting my voice come out.

"This is Carly, Cal." I heard Ashton say from behind me before walking infront of me and inside. "Carly this is Calum. Calum, Carly," Calum took out his hand and offered me to shake it so I did, "I brought her here to talk to Luke and you can come in, you know." realising I was still standing outside silently, and creepily, I walked inside the apartment.

"So I guessing you guys live together?" I asked

"Yeah, well there's one more but I have no clue where he is. He's probably playing GTA or something." Calum told me and I just nodded knowingly of what 17 year old boys are like. Ashton told me to come into the lounge room and he told Calum to get Luke. Calum ran upstairs (me being slightly impressed that colledge studnets have a 2 floor apartment) and I just walked into the next room and stat awkwrdly on the couch.

"What do you want me to say to him again?" I asked Ashton, he looked in my direction and came and sat next to me.

"Well I know you know about the... thing."

"How do you know?" Luke told me no one else knows so I was confused to how he knows.

"This week when Luke got really emotional and angry he ripped his shirt off and we saw. I don't think he wanted to do that but he was really angry and upset so I don't think he really thought it through when he did it." Oh, okay then, "I'm happy he told us though becuase it must thave been pretty shit keeping all those feelings in. We wouldn't understand though." Oh, if only he knew. "I don't know whats wrong with him but I know whenever he's with you he's happy so just say whatever you want, I gue-" Ashton was cut off by distant shouts coming from upstairs. I couldn't make out what they we're saying but a few seconds later Calum was at the doorway of the lounge, his hand on his face and wimpering in pain.

"Cal, what the fuck happened?" Ashton rushed towards Calum and put a hand on his back guiding him to the place on the couch next to me.

"I asked him to come downstairs and said it was important but he just ignored me and told me to fuck off so I shouted and he shouted then he punched my fucking jaw." I became slightly angry listening to Calum. I know this isn't the real Luke. The real Luke was with me and week and a half ago, laughing at stupid things and making cheesy jokes... not the one who punches one of his bestfriends.

"I'll go talk to him." I said standing up and walking towards the doorway despite Calum and Ashtons disagreemnets from behind me.I got upstairs and just guessed that Luke's room was the one with the shut door and the sound of heavy metal blasting from inside. I walked towards it and turned the doornob, only to be met by him standing there. He looked at me with wide eyes and I just stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"Why are you here?" His voice sounded husky but came across as rude and agressive. He stepped back, probably not wanted to be near me.

"Ashton told me something was up with you and wanted me to come see you," his facial expression softened slightly and relaxed a little, "Look, I'm sorry for leaving you. I don't really have and explanation apart from I wasn't thinking and my-"

"You're head told you to run so you did and you knew it was wrong but you listened to your head becuase you think your head is always right." Luke finished the sentance for me and I was kind of astonished he knew exactly what I was going to say. He could of proabably told by my face that he was right and he walked backwards towards his unmade bed and sat down, turning off the loud music blasting from his speakers. I walked inside his bedroom and stood in the middle awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. "I get that all the time."

"Are you angry?"

"Yeah, but I understand so I can't really be upset so whatever." He told me as he patted the space next to him on his bed and I just did what he basically told me to do and went and sat next to him. He looked like a mess. His hair was gresey and his usual smell of lynx mixed with doderant wasn't there and it was just mostly a dull scent of nothing. He looked alot skinner too. He wore a black hoddie with the hood up and grey tracksuit bottoms, obivously covering everything up. A few seconds of complete silence flew by again until he finally spoke. "I don't know whats wrong with me."


"I can't sleep," that explains the black bags under his eyes, "I don't want to speak to anyone and whenever someone asks what's wrong I get anygry and I can only think about one thing everyday."

"Who?" I asked nosily and he just looked at me, staring me down so I felt like I was melting into the floor.

He took a shaky breath and said something I definently didn't expect, "You." My heart stopped slightly at his words. I let a small smile show on my lips as I looked down to the floor. He dropped his head to the floor too, proabably embarassed at what he said. I looked over at him and saw he was chewing his lip ring nervously. I brought my hand to the side of his face and lifted it slowly casuing him to look into my eyes once more. His beautiful blue eyes made him look so lost.

"I think about you all the time too."


so can I be the first to point out that not having a phone FUCKING SUCKS. Eh, i'm so angry rn.

anyway hope you're liking it so far, Luke and Carly are starting to have a thing NOW so dont leave me yet pweez

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gem xo

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