15 // "D-do you want to take it off?"

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Carly's POV*

"Luke give it back! Don't be a dick!" I shouted through heavy breaths and giggles. I was currently running around his apartment chasing Luke trying to get my phone back. I was scrolling through Twitter when he came behind me and snatched it out of my hands.

"Come get it!" He yelled back. This person is literally a 6ft child.

He lead the way, running through the lounge room into the kitchen, then running up the stairs. I followed after him, breathless. He literally got up the stairs in two or three steps.

"Luke I can't breathe stop." I ran into his room and saw him sprawled on his bed, attempting to do some sexy pose. "I swear, if you weren't sexy I would beat up your ass up." I said.

"Oh, I love it when you talk dirty." He smirked. I giggled and straddled him over him. "What ya doin' there?" He laughed.

"What, I prefer to sit like this, it's comfortable." I grinned back. I leaned down and let my lips hover over his for a second before connecting. His plump lips made my heart explode over and over again every time they moved in sync with mine.

I snaked my hands around his neck and his went to my hips, drawing small circles with his thumb. My lips travelled to his neck and I sucked softly on a spot behind his ear making him moan softly.

"S-shit.. Carly you turn me on so much, fuck.." He moaned and I just hummed in response. I love the affect I have on him and the affect he has on me is mutual, believe me.

I continued to leave small marks on his soft skin, and upper chest. He was a moaning mess under me and I couldn't help but giggle at his state. Luckily he didn't hear that..

I felt his hands on the bottom of my back slowly trailing their way up towards my shoulders. "D-do you want to take it off?" I said to him, gesturing to my shirt.

"Only if you want me to." he replied back. He honestly made me feel so safe and I couldn't help but smile at the fact he made sure I was okay with it.

I nodded and his hand gently went to the hem of my shirt, swiftly pulling it over my head. His hands went straight to my waist and his fingers said there while he took in my appearance.

I suddenly became self conscious and realised what I was doing so I dropped my head in shame.

You're a slut


Look at you're ugly boobs

I winced at the voice in my head, even though it was the truth.

"Your so perfect." his beautiful voice said. I looked up to see the blue eyed boy staring at me with a soft and warm face. I know that's not the truth though, it will never be.

"Carly look at me," I dropped my head again without realising, still listening to the powerful voice in my imagination, "Whatever things you hear in your head are lies. You're beautiful." he smiled.

I leant down towards him and reattached our lips, still feeling the never ending fireworks every time our
lips moved in sync with eachothers.

Unfortunately, we were interrupted by an Ashton storming into Luke's room. "LUC- oh shit." Ashton's voice scared the shit out of me so I screamed. Luke immediately covered me with the cover of his bed and I laughed a little but I was thankful he did.

"Dude, get out." I heard Luke say angrily. The door clicked shut and I crawled up out of the covers to see him looking very frustrated. "Sorry, they forget to knock." he said and j just giggled.

"It's okay, lucky he didn't see anything though... right?"

"I don't think so. I'll have to burn his brains if he did tho." he smirked.

I giggled as my hands roamed back to his messy hair, beginning to play with the small dirty blonde strands that had fallen out of place. I love looking at his little features. His cute dimple, the way he he constantly smoothed down his hair by putting his right hand though it and they way his laugh can turn into the most perfect giggle I've ever heard.

"Why would you do that Mr Hemmings?" I smirked.

"Because only I'm allowed to see you like this." And with that he kissed me with more passion than ever before.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in AGES

I started writing this like 10 days ago and completely forgot so yeah soz

I'm going to Wales tomorrow/today (I live in London) so I'm excited but it's gona be fucking freezing, ew

Anywayyyyyyy, Love yous

gem xo

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