20 // "I care about you too much to hurt you."

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Carly's POV

"AUSTRALIAN BROTHERS, I'M HOME." I laughed at Luke as we walked into his and the boys apartment. He held the door open for me and I walked under his arm and entered. I didn't even have to duck or crouch. This boy is so tall it's frightening.

Since she was bored, Charlotte tagged along with us. She seems to be talking to all the boys more often which is cool. They're my friends so it's good she gets along with them too or that would just be awkward.

Luke ran upstairs as I walked into the living room to see Calum on his phone. A random Disney channel programme was on TV and as much as he pretended he wasn't watching it.. we all knew he was.

"Seriously, Cal. Victorious?" I laughed.

"It's gooooooooddd." He wined. When he finally looked up to see me in me doorway, a small smile formed on his face, "Hey Char." He was smiling so much that little crinkles started to form by the sides of his eyes.

"Hey." .. well that was, um, unlike Charlotte. She was being... shy.

"What's up with you?" I turned to her and saw a little blush forming on her cheeks.

"N-nothing. I'm gona get a drink." and with that she walked out of the room to the kitchen.

Calum just shrugged, but still smiling, and went back to watching his programme. I sat on the other couch and we sat in a comfortable silence, the only noise in the whole apartment was the sound of the voices coming from the TV and mine and Calum's little giggles.

The small silence only lasted for another 2 minutes before loud thumping came from upstairs. My eyes widened, thinking something has happened to Luke so I ran upstairs to see what was happening.

When I opened his bedroom door, he was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed. He basically looked like an oversized toddler.

"I wanted you to come upstairs but I didn't want to move so I just made noise and knew you would come up." he giggled.

"So in order for you not to move, I had to." I put on an angry face, only managing to hold it for 3 seconds. I sighed, walking over to him and sat on the floor next to him.

He instantly took my hand and started to play with my fingers. I swear to god this boy has an obsession with my hands.

"So, I got asked by head of music to do a performance in prize evening next week but she said it was a solo thing, not a band thing." He told me.

"I'm sure the boys will be cool with it."

"Yeah but I feel bad." Obviously he would feel bad. These boys are his best friends.

"They will be fine about it Luke. They know it wouldn't mean anything." I reassured him and he shrugged, clearly trying to drop the subject.

We sat in silence for a little bit. Just staring at each other and making funny faces. He still hasn't let go of my hand which I find adorable. But then randomly he said:

"How are you?"

"I'm fine thanks, how about you?" I was a little confused since we've been together all day so he kind of knows how I am.

"No, like, really. How are you? We spend so much time talking about my shit, we never talk about your life." His blue eyes were fixed on my hands. Probably too embarrassed to look at me.

We were both staring at my hands now.

It's not that I don't want to tell him how I feel, I just don't really know how to say it.

"Carly, I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, no, I know. I'm just not very good at this stuff. I'm normally the one comforting not the person being comforted." I told him. His face fell slightly.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just kind of leave all the bad stuff inside and don't tell anyone." I knew what was coming next...

"Well, I'm always gona be here for you. You don't need to hold it in." (AN:aWH)

"I-I thought you were going to ask what the bad stuff was." I admitted.

"You can tell me when you want too. I know you don't like letting it out but you can always let it out to me." When I finally looked up I saw a cute, lopsided smile on his face. He knows that whatever he just did worked and he's made me trust him that little but more.

"Luke," I took a deep breath, "I'm scared."

"Of what?" His facial features softens. I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Of.. how much..us." It's almost like my mind has formed a barrier and the words I want to say have to force themselves out.

"Why?" He said barely audibly; his tone was just above a whisper.

"I've just never felt t-this strongly about someone and i-it's scary to think that I can trust someone." Once I said it, I feared the worst. I thought he was going to be angry that I find it hard to trust him or he would be upset because he thinks he's doing something wrong. But, no.

He pulled me into a hug, which silenced all the shit in my head.

"I care about you too much to hurt you. I understand if you don't trust me but I will earn it. I will prove to you I'm worthy of your trust, Carly."

I felt his soft lips touch the side of my head. Once of his hands drew small circles on the back of my neck while the other continued to pull me closer until there was no space between us, and for the first time in years.. I felt safe.

Nothing could harm me or affect me when I'm with Luke. It's annoyingly cliché (and I read it in every fan fic, ik) but when I say the whole world drowns out and it's just Luke and I when were together, I mean it.

"You know you can trust me too." I whispered.

"I know baby."


Okay so aw.

I'm sorry I never update, I literally am so busy lol but thankyou for carrying on to read my crappy story, ily

This chapter is kinda boring but I wanted some cute luke and Carly time :D

Btw if you wana follow me on twitter my name is @hemmoxirwins_

You're all lads,

gem xo

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