9 // "He's amazing."

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Carly's POV*

I stared up at my ceiling. Rethinking over this afternoons past events. '21 Guns' blasting through my headphones that were tucked into my ears, allowing the powerful lyrics run through my head, sending me into my own little uphoria.

After Luke ate his cereal I made him apolgize to Calum fro trying to take his head off and Calum blankly excepted but I could tell he would be over it by tomorrow. He just seems like that kind of guy; forgiving.

Anyway, after that we went back upstairs to his bedroom and we listened to the whole Good Charlotte album's becuase thats his favrouite band. I'm not gona lie and say it wasn't awkward becuase it was at times, but other times we just sat there staring at eachother. Taking in eachother presence. Half the time I was wondering why I was even there to be honest but I didn't wan to leave him alone, I didn't want to be alone.

I could never tell what Luke was thinking but I always just guessed, you know: nice butt, nice legs, boobs exetra but now he seems different. Since the other boys found out about the thing I think he's had to replay everything he's ever done in his head and his thoughts have kind of over took him. I don't know, but I know I want the be here for him though it all... he actually means something to me now.

My thoughts were interuppted when I heard something come from outside of my bedroom which must have been pretty frickin' loud becuase I had headphones in.

I climbed off of my bed, graoning as soon as I realised I had to walk. I walked towards my window and to my surprise I saw a boy standing there, well, when I say standing I mean rolling on the floor like a baby clutching his left foot. Guess who?

"Lucas, why are you here?" I asked and he looked up at me and laughed but still clutching onto his foot.

"Well, Carly, I came here with the intention of asking if you wanted to come on a walk with me becuase I'm just a romantic hunk like that ," he said sarcastically and gave me one of his smiles, showing all his perfect, white teeth, "but you're fucking plant had other plans and decided to land on my foot."

"You're an idiot, Hemmings." I whispered down to him but just loud enough so he could hear. He just nodded his head in response like a excited puppy. "Would you be able to climb up, my mom probably won't let you in becuase it's late?"

"Yeah, but don't throw any plants at me, I think I have a phobia of them now." I giggled and told Luke where my secret ladder was that's I use to get up and down from my front lawn to my bedroom.

He kept on slipping and swearing every time he looked down and I couldn't stop laughing. His legs were all over the place becuase they're so long which just made me laugh even more.

Eventaully, (after more swearing) he made it into my room. Sweat was pouring from his forehead and he looked like he was going to faint. I couldn't help but giggle at how worn out he was at doing such a small task. "What? I play guitar, I don't climb up houses," he sat down on my bed and I sat next to him, "was that even necessary?" he asked, still trying to catch his breath.

"Not really but it made me smile." He just gave me a glare and I just lightly slapped his cheek. "Comon, man. You gotta go to the gym or somethin'." Finally his serious facial expression broke and we both fell into fits of laughter.

An hour went by of both of us just talking. We spoke about unimportant things, nothing that really mattered to anyone else but ourseleves. Until he brought it up.

"Why do you do it, Carly? You're amazing." I blushed slightly at his words but I knew they weren't true. I know I'm not amazing, he doesn't have to lie to me.

"I'm far from amazing." I just said balnkly, "I appreicate it but I know I have way too many flaws that over shadow eveything."

He shook his head, "I'm not good with my words, but I know that when I say someones amazing, they usually are. You don't have to believe me but that's the truth." I could tell that it was hard for him to say things like that to me. Luke doens't open up to anyone, so the fact he's at least attmepting to talk to me is pretty amazing. He's amazing.

A smile formed on my lips. "You're alright I guess."

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled inwards towards him. Our eyes never left contact as I let him come closer. His hand found my face, his thumb rubbing small circles on my cheek. My plams were sweating and I could hear Luke breathing heavily against my lips.

Slowly he guided his face towards mine and I felt his soft plump lips on mine. I felt goosebumps start to form on my arms and legs from the way he was so close to me. It wasn't sloppy but it was sweet and I made sure I cherrished it. No tounge or anything, just... passionate.

We pulled apart a few seconds later and he rested his forehead on mine and I closed my eyes, taking into account what just happened. He kisssed me. I haven't kissed any boy since my dad died and it felt weird but I'm happy it was Luke.

We fell into silence yet again but it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable and peaceful. Just how we both liked it. I lifted my head to see him smiling at me, casuing me to smile back makiung me instantly happy after thinking about my dad. He then said something which made my stomach fill with butterflys:

"Remind me to never let you go."




Hope you liked it and thanks for readingggggggg

Vote and shait

kay bye,

gem xo

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