3 // "We really need to stop bumping into each other like this."

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Carly's POV*

As I opened my eyes, my brain locked into panic as I couldn't figure out where I was. I tried to sit up, but I stopped when a pain in the back of my head reminded my of today's earlier events: Talking to Charlotte about Luke, me bumping into Luke, Luke calling me babe (for the second time) and falling asleep in the nurses office with, yep, you guessed it... Luke.

It's seems like everything revolves around Luke and I've literally only spoken to the boy once or twice. He just keeps fucking showing up.

Anyway, I looked around my surroundings, finally figuring out that I was in my bedroom. I guess they my mum picked me up from school and brought me home. I cocked my head to the side, trying not cause myself anymore pain than I have already, and my eyes landed on glass of water and two rounded pills. Thank the heavens for my mother.

After taking the small pieces of medicine I decided I wanted a shower so I got up and walked slowly to the bathroom, stumbling with every step I took.

I started the water and waited for it to heat up. I instantly left my thoughts to take over my head, leading me to the only thing I could think of. Luke, of course.

He's never nice.. and I mean never. He's just, confusing? He's hard to figure out, I guess. I don't know much about him apart from he's in a band and he only really has 3 other friends, I can't really remember their names though because Luke, obviously, always tries to over shadow them.

As soon as the water was hot enough, I stripped of my tight, black jeans and crop top and stepped in, slowly because yes, I'm still aware that I basically bumped into a human tree today.

I went to pick up the bar of soap when I saw some weird scribble on my hand which is odd because I would remember that right, unless I have amnesia or something *see what I did there;)*. I brought my hand up closer to my face as I saw why the messy hand witting read :

Your babe ( Luke;) )

With what I'm guessing was the idiots number. Slightly confused, and irritated at the same time, I jumped out of the shower quickly and grabbed my phone. I don't know why I was saving his number but I thought I might as well, I mean he helped me today so the least I could do was thank him, I guess.

-The Next Day-

So I texted Luke last night. It was just a simple: Hi, erm thanks for helping me today.. I'll see you at school, I guess. I didn't send any x's... he's not up to that standards yet. But I got no reply, I didn't really think much of it. He probably gets on average 100 texts a day from random, at least good looking, girls a day. He wouldn't waste his time on me.

Today I've just been spending most of my day in the dance studio, practicing for the shitty end of year revue. I had to do it, which sucked balls but I got to do it or I'll lose my scholarship (yes I have a scholarship but it's not that impressive believe me, I'm not very good).

'This Is Gospel' blasted thought the loud speakers as my body twisted and twirled in the ways I have always been taught ever since I was 2 years old. I'm obviously more advanced now though. I finished on the floor with my arms and legs spread far apart, I call it 'the starfish'.

I was sweating like hell so I thought I would quickly go have a shower before I went home, so I got all my dance stuff together and went to the changing rooms. Empty. I mentally thanked god that it was empty because I HATE getting changed in front of people, they'll see my scars and I've spent so long trying to them, I wouldn't want people to find them now... not ever.

I stripped of my drenched leggings and baggy, thin NIKE jumper which left me just to be standing in my underwear. I felt uncomfortable, even if it was only me in the changing rooms. I was about to grab my towel when I heard a very familiar voice behind me.

"We really need to stop bumping into each other like this." I screamed and grabbed my towel, attempting to cover any skin that was showing that Luke could see.

"Luke get the fuck out, oh my god." The usual smirk disappeared as I yelled at him but he just stood there looking hypnotised. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME BOY, GET OUT." He finally broke out of his trance and sprinted out of the changing rooms.

I looked down at myself and started to cry. I never cry, but I don't let anyone see me naked and the fact that the school man slut just walked in on me, makes me feel ill. He's going to tell everyone about my fat thighs and my huge butt and I'm going to die. Oh my god, could my life get any worse!?

Not in the mood to shower anymore, I grabbed all my shit. Fresh tears gathering in my eyes, and eventually falling down my cheeks. I put on a new pair or leggings and a baggy hoodie and ran out of the changing rooms but only to be stopped by the person I least wanted to see this moment in time.

"I was leaving, I swear, but I heard you start to cry and I wanted to make sure you were okay." I heard Luke say from behind me. I turned to face him, emotionless with tears still running down my face. "I won't tell anyone I promise." I don't believe him.

"What did you see?" I didn't want I talk to him right now but I need to make sure if he knows or not.

"The, um-" I quickly cut him of but my voice breaking as I spoke.

"The cuts." I said weakly, not managing to keep it together. He just nodded and looked to the floor awkwardly. My life is over. "I need to, um, I need to go." Without another word I sprinted out of the tall wooden doors of the school.

I walked in the rain until I reached my house 10 minutes later. I went straight up to my room and sat on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't really think of anything to think about because I was so overwhelmed with what just happened, so I did the only thing I could think of, write a song.

Half an hour went by and I already had a chorus and two verses, inspiration I guess. My phone went off numerous times during the times I was writing but I just ignored it, knowing who the texts were from anyway. Him.

I cried myself to sleep that night, scared but also unknowing of what would happen tomorrow.

Kay, slightly depressing but I've got a plan so stick with me!

I Promise cal ash and mike will be in the next chapter

Will probably update tomorrow, depends on school stuff (ew school)

Thanks for reading :D

gem xo

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