10 // "I promise."

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Carly's POV

Ergh, monday morning. I looked at my beside table and clicked the button on my phone to see the time was 10:00am... SHIT. Pierod one is at 10:15 so I'm offically fucked. Great.

I turned on my front and shoved my head in the pillow next to me but something felt weird. I heard light snores and realised I wasn't in my bed alone so I did the anitional thing anyone would do when they realise theres a randomer in their bed... scream. During the process of my herendous screams, I decided to throw my arms behind me to push myself out of the bed but my hand came in contact with something pointy and thats what freaked me out... which caused me to scream more. What, I thought it was a penis?!

Loud graons came from the person in my bed, lifting their head to reveal, you guessed it... Lucas. His eyes were still shut and he was clutching onto his nose, probably becuase I just punched him in the face.

"Shit, Carly. I'd rather be woken up with a kiss at least." He chuckled and I blushed, remembering the events of last night. Also, him talking about kissing me in his moaning voice was possibly the sexiest thing I've ever heard. "Come here." He took the covers off himself slightly and I saw he was still fully clothed and wearing the same thing as he wore last night: black jeans, black shirt and black hoodie.

I decided to ditch school today becuase lets be honest: choose between a women in her mid 50s telling you to straighten you're legs or cuddling with Luke Hemmings... thats what I thought. I took a few steps towards my bed and lyed down next to Luke. My back faced his front and I could feel the warmth from his body crawl into mine.

"You know that wasn't just a one-time kiss last night," I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and it sent shivers down my spine, "I do like you alot and I wont hurt you... ever."

"Do you promise?" I whispered.

"I promise." I felt his lips on my cheek and I couldn't help but smile knowing how he makes me feel. He makes me feel wanted and needed and no ones ever made me feel like that in a long time.

I think an hour went by of us just whispering random things to eachother, just enjoying being together. But I couldn't get something out of my head.

"Luke, you know you don't have to cover up when you're with me," I turned on my side to face him and I saw his head drop and look down, not wanting to look me in the eye, "I understand... you know I understand." I tried to sound as soft as I could, not wanting to push any buttons.

"I-I know. I just don't like looking at them." He said shyly.

"I have an idea." I sat up and he lifted his head to look at me. " If I feel comfortable enough to show you mine, I'm not saying you have to, but maybe you could be comfortable to show me yours."

He stared at me, probably confused but to prove to him what I meant, I began to take off my cardigan. Once it was off, my bare arms were on show and... its not pretty but if me and Luke will ever get more serious, I want him to feel comfortable around me. He continued to stare at me but not in a judgemental way, he kept his eyes locked on mine making my heart flutter.

He nodded his head and also began to take off his hoodie. I did the same as he did to me, I kept my eyes locked on his. I didn't want to stare at his and he didn't want to stare at mine. I could see in his eyes he wanted to put his hoodie back on and just make it all go away but he knows this is what we both need to do.

After a few minutes went by, his head dropped to look at my arms. The pain in his face was obvious but he tried to cover it up with a sad smile. I looked down after a few seconds and I think my heart split in half. They were probably worse than I could of imagined. He attempted to cover them up with atleast ten wristbands on each arm but it didn't work. I've tried that before and I still do.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek and as soon as a droplet hit the sheets, Luke's head shot up and I continued to look down until his fingers touched the bottom of my chin, causing my head to rise and my to look into his eyes that were nearly tear filled.

"Don't cry, baby." He told me and I just sniffled in response. He leant his face towards mine and his lips left a soft kiss on mine. "No one has to know but us, no ones going to hurt you anymore."

After he told me that I felt safe, like no one would actually hurt me. I knew he wasn't going to tell me to stop becuase if I did, he knows that he still wouldn't. It seems like an easy thing to do but it isn't and we both know that.

After I let Luke hold me while I just cried into his shoulder, we lyed back down into our previous position. I can't put into words how this boy makes me feel. "Carly," he whispered in my ear.


"You're beautiful, with or without them."


im sorrrryyyy, i'm a bad person for not updating. Sorry if this is boring but im trying. Sorry if it's short -_-

I promise I'll try to update more,

Share the story if you like it and tell me what you think.

BTW, If any of you guys ever need me or want to talk to me, I'm here and you're not alone. Just message me and I'm more than happy to hear rants and all your problems.


gem xo

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