8 // "You're so much more than that."

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Calry's POV*

"I think about you all the time too." I let the words escape my mouth by accident. It's true... but Luke can't know that, not yet anyway. I can't just give myself and my feelings to him this quickly, he's not trust worthy yet, he needs to prove himself to me first.

I'm not one of those girls who just goes around trusting people, it doesn't work like that.

I know I sound kind of bi-polar, like one minute I'm grabbing his face, being all romanti, and the next I can't even look at him, but he knows that I don't trust people, just like he doesn't trust people either. I saw a small smile pull on the corner of his lips but I couldn't help to just look to the floor.

A few minutes of slince went by, the two of us hyponotised in our own thoughts, until he broke it, "Why? You know that I'm a bad person and that I've used people to get what I want in the past. I know you don't trust me..." he said.

"I know what you've done but that doesn't mean you're going to do that again." I looked up to see him looking at me with tear filled eyes. I can't see him like this, it hurts too much. I pulled him into a tight hug as light sobs escaped his mouth.

"I-I just hate myself. I can't do it anymore." I just hugged him tighter. I understood what he meant, I say that to myself nearly everyday. "When I look at myself, all I see is a bad person. I hate that I have to cover my arms and sides everywhere I go becuase I-I can't stop doing it." I felt my shoulder become damp from Luke's tears but I didn't care. I felt good knowing that he could tell me these things. It made me feel comfortable around him.

When his sobs turned into quiet sighs, I took his hand that were placed on the bottom of my back in my own and brought them infront of me stomach. I played with his fingers until I saw him look up at me with red eyes. His cheeks were tear streaked and his bottom lip was caught beneth his teeth. I finally decided to speak when I knew what to say.

"You're so much more than that." I knew that he didn't want to hear a huge speech is mom would probably give him so I just made it simple. He looked at me again but diferently. His eyes finally started to show a little more colour and his lips curved into the same smile I saw a few minutes ago. "I don't let alot of people cry on my shoulder like that so consider yourself lukcy." I said and he just let out a little laugh.

In this situation, I realised I should just talk so him like I was talking to myself becuase that's how I would want to be spoken to at this time. Serious but a light joke to help me lose the seriousness. Looks like it worked. "Have you eaten yet?" I asked and he just shook is head no. I nodded and pulled him up off the bed towards the doorway.As we walked out of his room, I looked back at him to see he was looking at the ground so I tugged the sleeve of his baggy jumper to make him look up at me and give me a sad smile and I returned it.

When we walked downstairs and into the lounge I saw Calum laying on the couch with an ice pack on his jaw. I looked back to see Luke but he wasn't there so I walked over to Calum and sat next to him.

"He didn't punch you too did he?" He groaned and I just shook my head no and giggled a little. "You don't talk alot." He said and it was true to be honest.

"Haven't really got anything to say." I replied and just smirked at him. He just gave me a playful whatever look and retured to his previous postion on the couch as I got up and wandered out of the room. I kind of just stood there becuase I didn't really know what to do, I'm awkward like that.

A second later, Ashton emerged from a room; I'm gussing it was the kitchen since he came out with a loaf of break, 3 jars of vegimite and a bowl of popcorn. "Hungry?" I asked playfully and he just gave me a smile, showing me his cute dimples. He just replied to my comment with a nod and walked towards me and whispering in my ear: "He's in the kitchen," he then paused as I turned to face him,"Thanks Carly." I just smiled at him reasuringly and made my way to the kitchen.

As I walked in, I saw Luke standing by the bench in the middle of the room eating a bowl of ceral. He didn't notice I was there so I decided to sneak up behind him. I tip-toed towards him so I was behind him and moved my hands so they went to the side of his face... but before I could cover his eyes with my fingertips, he swooped around to face my and grabbed my waist and I sreamed as a response due to the fucking fright he gave me.

"Not nice to be snuck up on is it?" He laughed and I just shot him a glare. His facial expressions softened and his ocean blue eyes stared into mine. I felt like he could see through me, like I was the only person he ever wanted to see. The look he gave me, made me feel... for once in my life, special. "You're," he stopped to take a deep breath,"beautiful." I didn't smile, but I didn't disagree. I just continued looking at him, like he did me to. We were caught in eachothers gazes.

"You're beautiful." I replied. He smiled at me showing me his perfect white teeth.



i'm happpyy :D hope you like it, i think they're both so cute, fml

thanks for reading, comment, vote and follow pleaseeee, love yas

gem xo

p.s. i ate pizza today and all i could think of was michael clifford, i have no life bye

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