4 // "I know a place."

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Luke's POV*

I just want to talk to her, but she won't pick up the fucking phone. Urghh, I'm so aggravated right now! You don't understand. It's not like I love the girl but I'm not denying anything yet... I dono, she seems, different.

"Dude, just chill. She'll be fine." Calum's hand found my shoulder and patted it, trying the reassure me but I'm not convinced. I didn't tell him all the details of what happened today just the part when she started to cry and run away from me like I'm a 7 foot monster.

Calum's my best friend, so is Ash and Mikey but they've gone out so its just me and him. We were meant to have a COD tournament online but I can't concentrate right now.

"One more time. Let me just call her one more time and then I'm ready to beat the shit out of you, loverboy." I smirked at Calum as I stood up, grabbing my phone from the side of the couch and walking out of the room.

I sat on the staircase, impatiently waiting for Carly to pick up the phone. But still, no friggen' answer. I groaned loudly which caused Calum to exhale a laugh and show his face in the doorway of the lounge. "Why won't she call me, what's the big deal for god sake?!" I shouted, instantly regretting it, realising I'm going to get a 'bro chat' from Cal.

"What's the big deal... seriously bro? Firstly, she caught you fucking Amiee in he janitors closet, I mentally patted myself on he back for that one, "you walked in on her getting changed, and lastly my personal favourite, you still have the nerve to call her after she sobbed right in front of you." I just looked at him giving him 'what's the problem' look and he just groaned and walked towards me.

"Dude, if she wants to call you she will. Stop stressin' and let me kick you're ass at COD."

With that I just took Calum's advice and decided I would talk to her tomorrow, after all we have a lot more in common that she thinks.

-The Next Morning-

Okay, so I've woken up in some weird places and on some wired things but I can actually say that I've never woken up to a vibrating phone on my face. I felt like my nose was falling off, ew.

Anyway, so after realised that isn't a dream and there was actually a vibrating phone on my face I pealed it off, reading what the caller I.D. said: Carly. I could feel my cheeks start to hurt from the huge, dorky grin on my face but I still didn't hesitate to answer the phone.

"Carly, I'm so sorry, oh my god are you okay!?" It all kinda just came out like gibberish but I needed to know.

"Um, yeah, we need to talk though Luke." she sounded the same as she did yesterday; blunt and emotionless. I feel a wired pang in my chest because of the sadness in her voice, what does this girl do to me?

"Yeah, yeah of course. Wherever you want babe?"

"Um, just meet me at the school gates and I know somewhere we can go."
I walked towards Carly, still getting wired butterfly's in my stomach while attempting to ignore the small sudden tightness in my pants.

She gave me a sad smile and I just smiled back, trying so comfort her due to the awkward situation. But what I wasn't expecting was her to enfold me in a warm hug. Even though I was in shock, I just simply hugged back, keeping my cool.

"Hi," she whispered into my neck and the vibration made me explode inside. She pulled away after a comfortable 30 seconds, "Comon, I know a place."

I let her lead the way. The walk was silent and the only sounds entering my ears were the footsteps made by Carly and I.

Soon we stopped at the park and I was kind of disappointed because it was a bit to public for what I wanted to tell her. But soon enough, we we're walking behind the kids play area and into a small cave. It was amazing. you could hear the sounds of outside but it felt like we were in out own little world, like we were disconnected.

"I wanted to talk to you about yesterday," I just nodded, not wanted to stop her from telling me her story, "well, um, I've done it for a while now. Ever since my dad died really, I- what?" She stopped as she saw my facial expression change, into pure shock.

"Wait your dad is dead?" I asked in disbelief, I looked down at my feet struggling to get my words out, "so's mine. Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt but... I'm sorry Carly." she gave me another sad smile for the millionth time today.

Carly's POV*

"I'm sorry too, Luke..." we locked eyes for a moment. I swear my heart skipped a beat, "anyway, um, so when he died I kind of just... I don't even know anymore. I just needed a distraction I guess. The day he died I ran to the park after hearing my mum cry," I felt tears brimming in my eyes but pushed them away, not wanted to break down in front of Luke for the second time in two days, he probably already thinks I'm insane, "I ran here and I found this place."

After I told him about my distraction I didn't expect him to tell me what he did next.

"Same." My head shot up from it being fixed to the ground. Did he just say that? "Really, Carly, you're not the only one." He pulled up his shirt and I swear my jaw dropped to the floor.

They were everywhere. The scars. From the top of his ribcage to his hipbones, the familiar red lines were there. A few faded but a few fresh and still filled with blood. The muscles in my face softened and I relaxed, because for the first time in forever, I could relate. Luke knew my pain, and suffering.

"I've never told anyone, you're the only one. Not even the boys. I wish I could tell them but I've never had the courage, but they were always there for me ever since I met them... Even before dad." I didn't know what to say so I did the only thing I could think of.

I ran into his arms, running my fingers over the crusty red lines on the side of his damaged body. I felt Luke's pain every time I brushed by the cuts. I felt Luke shudder under my touch and I half smiled at the feeling of being close to him.

"Thanks." I whispered into his neck.

"For what?" He stepped back, but still keeping a firm grip on my waist, not rough but comforting. His blue eyes started into mine, causing my legs to feel weak.

"Making me feel safe."

I'm emotional

I take self harm sososo seriously and I felt like Luke and Carly could bond over it and it would make them feel more comfortable.....

Sshhhhh they're real people to me :0

Was Luke's POV okay, don't want I make him sound girly but I have boobs so it's kinda hard not too -_-

Fanks for readinnn :D
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gem xo

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