12 // "He wouldn't leave me so I won't leave him."

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Carly's POV - edited :)

"Fletcher, give me back the controller you dick!" - Was the first thing I heard as I walked into Luke and the boys' apartment.

Luke let out a small laugh as he walked through the doorway and into the lounge, dumping his bag by the stairs. I followed him and walked into the lounge to see a black haired boy lying on the floor in the corner by the TV and Calum chasing Ashton around the room. They didn't really notice I was in the room until Ashton literally ran into me, knocking me over onto the couch.

"Shit, Carly... it was Calum!" He shouted, pointing at Calum who was on the other side of the room laughing, probably at me.

"Shut the fuck up you twat, she saw you running at her." Luke said through his laughs, making me giggle.

I told Ashton I was fine and sat up, sitting on the couch like a normal person instead of being sprawled out on it. Luke came over and sat next to me, nudging me a little bit with his shoulder... flirting I guess.

"I want pizza." I turned my head to see the boy with black hair now sitting up and looking at all of us. I saw he had a slight blue streak in his hair where his fringe was. Then he looked at me and said, "Hi." No name. Just hi.

"Mike, really bro?" I heard Luke whine next to me.

Ignoring Luke, I just replied back, "Hi."

"I like you, you're cool. I'm Michael." He got up and reached his hand out to mine and I shook it. He also gave me a slight smile from the corner of his mouth which I returned, ofcourse. He seemed pretty cool too and I really liked his hair.

"Soooo... how about that pizza?"


"Thanks man." I heard Calum say and shortly after I heard the front door close shut. Calum appeared in the doorway of the kitchen with 4 pizza boxes in his arms. As soon as Calum dropped the boxes on the island, the three other boys ran at them like wild animals opening them straight away.

Michael, Luke and I went straight for the peperoni pizza whilst Ash and Calum went for plain first. You could say over the past 3 weeks I've gotten closer to Ashton and Calum and I do see them as friends but I'm obvously not sure if I trust them just yet, but I could in the future I guess.

We all ate and laughed together. Michael sat next to me and we started talking about the green day shirt he was wearing, me explaining how the are the best band, um, ever and he totally agreed. After we finished, I felt Luke come behind me.

"Do you wana come upstairs after this?" he whispered, sneaking his arms around my waist.

I nodded and smiled up at him and he bit his lip, trying to hold back his smile. I would be lying if I said that didn't turn me on.

Like Luke said, after we finished talking and the boys went in the other room to play COD, me and Luke went upstairs. Once we reached his room, he ran to his bed like a kid and started hiding under the covers pretending that he wasn't there. I just giggled and pulled the covers over his head and he made a stupid face, acting as if he was crying.

"Cuddle?" He said in an
adorable baby voice.

"Soz, I don't deal with cry babies." I said. He laughed and grabbed my waist, pulling me down towards him.

He brought my body closer to his as our lips connected. Soon enough we were having a full on make-out session in his bed. Some kisses were sweet, but some were almost...hungry. I couldn't help but wonder if he wanted me more than he was letting on, in that way.

"Carly..." he moaned my name and I just hummed in response but then he stopped and looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes. "Carly, do you think we could.. go any further?" I stoped what I was doing instantly.

"W-what do you mean further?" I basically whispered. I've never done more than kissing with a boy before, plus, I don't exactly love my body and I'm not really confident enough to let Luke see all of me yet.

"Whatever you want. We don't have to do anything you don't want babe. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable, I just want to show you how much I like you.." He pecked my lips and moved his mouth down to my neck, sucking a spot just below my ear and.. it felt good.

I let out a shaky breath as I felt his hands go from my waist to the bottom of my back, then sneaking them down to my butt. He gave my butt a small squeeze and my body slightly jumped at the action.

"L-luke.. Luke.." I tried to get his attention but he was too focused on what he was doing, which was turning me on way too much.

"Luke," I pulled away and he looked up at me confused, "I-Ican't. I hate my body and I'm not ready yet." I don't know why but I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I guess I was scared, in a way, of thinking maybe Luke was trying to take advantage of me.

"Carly, I'm so sorry baby. Please don't cry." He said softly but I couldn't stop. "Oh my god I'm the worst person in the world for fuck sake!" Luke was pratically shouting now and he was starting to scare me. "All I ever do is be a dick to people and now I've gone and made girl I like cry, for fuck sake!"

"Luke, its okay, please stop shouting." I wimpered back. Luke got out of under the covers of his bed and looked at me with sad eyes before walking towards his bathroom and shutting the door. Fuck. "Luke, don't! Please don't do it!" I was shouting though the door but he just ignored me.

I knew extactly what he was going to do, but the worst part was I couldn't even help him or even stop him cause' he locked the door.

"Luke, no p-please." I slid against the back of the door, breathless from shouting and crying. Suddenly Ashton, Michael and Calum burst through Luke's bedroom door and see me crying.

Ashton is the first to run over and comfort me. He picks me up bridal style and puts me down on the bed, holding me close to his chest and whispering comforting words and sentances into my hair, trying to calm me.

I see Cal and Mike trying to unlock Luke's bathroom door and I can se how fustrated they're both getting.

"Sshh, its okay. Lukes okay." Ashton told me. After him telling me Luke was okay a few more times, I finally spoke but my voice still cracked.

"Does he keep the blades in there?" Ashton nodded slowly in response and I broke down again. I hate crying infront of people, I feel weak.

"I'm gona take you home Carls. Luke will call you later, we'll make sure he's okay." I shook my head no in response, I can't leave him right now. "Carly ple-"

"No, no. I can't leave him. He wouldn't leave me, so I won't leave him." Ashton just nodded his head in defeat.

I walked back over to the bathroom door and slid down into my previous position, leaning my head against the wall. The only sounds that filled the room were heavy sighs and heavy breathing. I could suddenly hear the sounds of sighs coming from the bathroom behind me and Lukes voice:

"I'm so sorry Carly."


emotional ik

luke makes me cry becuase hes so perfect and he can't see it :(

but on a slightly happier note, MICHAELS FINALLY IN THE STORY YEAAHHH


and ROWYSO THIS YEAR FJBADJUFBKDFNOIDFUBFEWFBUEF - IM GOING TO THE WEMEBLY ARENA SHOW (cries inside) ON THE 12TH OF JUNE :d if your going to a rowyso show, comment which one ---> :D

PLEASE VOTE BECAUSE I love you all you sexy babes,

gem xo

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