2 // "Wow I really can sweep people off their feet."

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Carly's POV*

"YOU WHAT!?" I was walking the corridor of my overcrowded school, attempting to keep my usual low profile but struggling due to my ridiculous friend, Charlotte.

"Charlotte, for fuck sake keep you're voice down bitch."

"Number one: don't call me bitch, bitch," she smirked as we reached my locker," and number two: you just told me you walked in on.. wait for it.. LUKE HEMMINGS having sex yesterday in a closet. I have rights to be laughing at you right now but I'm not so say thankyou." I just looked at her trying to keep a straight face but we ended up laughing about it for the next 5 minutes.

That's the beauty about our friendship. We hate each other but we can't live without each other... yeah, I know, we're confusing but don't act like you don't have that friend.

We just spoke about random stuff for the next few minutes before the bell rang telling us that we had class. I told Char I would see her later and turned in the opposite direction but I wasn't looking where I was going.

I fell to the floor after taking a hard blow to my forehead. I didn't realise until about 30 seconds later that whoever I bumped into was trying to talk to me.

"Shit I'm sorry I wasn't loo- oh my god, it's you." I looked up to see the boy that I saw yesterday, still as tall and intimidating. "Carly, right?" He gave me a half smile but I didn't return it. I was too busy focusing on the thumping coming from my head. It really hurt.

Because of the pain I stumbled back, only to be caught by Luke. "Wow, I really can sweep people off their feet." he whispered to me inches away from my face. But me, not being interested in his bulshit, just groaned again, the pain in my head still killing me. "I, um, I think you need to go to the nurses office babe." he told me.

I just nodded, getting slightly irritated at that fact he keeps calling me babe. I'M NOT YOUR BABE YOU MAN WHORE.

The walk to the nurses office was really awkward. I kept on stumbling but he had a firm grip on my waist, causing me to feel safe in his arms... wait! No, I didn't mean safe, I meant, um, I donno.

Leave me alone, he's hot for gods sake.

Anyway, after more moaning (of pain, not the other moaning you dirty minded people) we made it to the office. Luke did all the talking because I couldn't even see straight right now. He spoke the to nurse for me and then lead me to re uncomfortable wooden bed, covered by a white sheet. "Here, Carly, give me you're hand." he asked me so I just obeyed, not having the energy to ask why.

I felt something tickling my hand and I giggled a little at the ticklish contact. "You have a cute laugh." I just smiled back at Luke, clearly I wasn't thinking straight because I don't really smile at anyone (the exception of Charlotte and my mom).

I felt my dull, green eyes become heavier and I dropped my head. The irritating pain in my head started to slowly become drowned out by sleep and soon I was fast asleep in the nurses room, leaving Luke siting there next to me.


To all my Instagram followers thanks for reading, ily guys

This is short so I'm gona do a double update because I'm just a nice person like that :D

Vote, comment, follow and all that shit (michael clifford reference ;) )

thanks for reading

gem xo

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