Chapter 01|First Meeting

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Heather her outfit:

Heather her outfit:

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''Have a nice day, sweetheart,'' Betty shouted after her daughter as she walked out the door. Heather closed the door and walked to school.

"Hi, Heather," said Abigail, her neighbor girl, cheerfully as she waved to Heather. "Hi, Abby," said Heather, as she used Abigail's nickname.

Heather walked into the schoolyard and grabbed her walkman. She put on the song 'Baby one more time' by Britney Spears.

Heather saw Lynn and her group of friends already standing, but Heather held her head high and walked confidently past the group of girls. Well girls? Rather back-stabbing snakes.

Heather smiled at Tatum, who was in math class with her, and she walked into the school.

"Holy shit. Did Heather Margarette McCoy just smile at us?" asked Randy shocked. "Yes, and how do you know her whole name? That's creepy," whispered Tatum with a frown.

"Everyone knows her whole name at this school," Randy hissed back. "Ugh, whatever," sighed Tatum. "And it's not even that special. She's super nice. She sits next to me in math."

"What are you guys talking about?" Sidney asks as she comes to stand next to the two. "About Heather McCoy. She smiled at us," Randy told her with big eyes. "The hottest girl in school smiled at you guys? I don't believe it," said Stu laughing.

Tatum turned to her boyfriend and frowned. She knew Stu thought Heather was hot, but surely he didn't have to say that in front of her.

"Just kidding. The hottest girl in school is, of course, Tatum."

Tatum rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Heather McCoy? I haven't heard or seen anything from her in days," muttered Sidney. "That's because you don't adjust your walking plan through the school so you run into her," said Randy as he rolled his eyes.

The group of friends turned to Randy with a frown. Randy his face turned as red as a tomato.

"Gossiping about me?" a deep voice sounds sarcastically. Sidney turned and saw Billy walking towards the group of friends. "No. We're talking about Randy adjusting his walking plan in school so he can watch Heather McCoy," said Stu teasingly.

"Gross, you stalker," said Billy disgusted. "I mean every boy does that after Joey dumped her," said Randy shrugging.

"Ugh, Joey Walsh. Don't start talking about him," said Tatum in disgust. "He's cocky, he only wants to get into girls' pants and he's anything but a good boyfriend. I don't know what Heather saw in him."

"She never looked happy either with him. Yes, maybe at the start of their relationship, but after that I only saw her sad whenever she was with him," Sidney added. "True," said Randy as he pointed to Sidney.

The school bell sounded.

"Ugh, I have biology now," grumbled Tatum. "Math," muttered Randy. "Gym," said Stu. "Physics," said Sidney with a sigh. "Chemistry for me," said Billy with a sigh.

Meanwhile at Heather's, she took her chemistry book out of her locker and slammed it shut.

She waved to Casey walking past her, but Casey completely ignored her. Heather turned and looked towards Casey.

She probably didn't see her.

Heather walked into the classroom and took a seat behind a desk and put her Walkman in her bag. She placed her books on her table with a thump and rested her head in her hands as she sighed. She hated chemistry.

"Okay, today we are going to make pairs and do a test. So all find a partner," said the teacher. Heather looked around her for a partner, but everyone already had a partner.

"Oh uhm....Mr Loomis doesn't have a partner yet. Does anyone want to partner with him?"

No one raised their hand.

"Not all at once."

Heather glanced forward. She had seen Billy before. He always sat by a fountain with his group of friends.

Heather slowly raised her hand.

"I would like to work with him," said Heather softly. "Ah, perfect," said the teacher.

Students looked at Heather in disgust. Heather ignored it, but deep down she hated the disgusted stares.

Heather shifted slightly to the side as Billy sat down next to her.

"Thanks," Billy said to Heather. "No problem," Heather muttered back, no idea what to say or do.

Heather grabbed safety goggles and put them on. She grabbed some sugar and a lighter. She heated the sugar and after a while it became caramel. She wrote down the steps that happened while the process.

Heather saw that Billy had no idea what to do and was just staring at Heather.

"Here, copy it," Heather said as she slid her notebook to him. He grabbed her notebook and took over the answers.

"You are not as bad as I expected," said Billy out of the blue. "Why? Did you think I was a cheerleader bitch?" asked Heather as she leaned forward a little more. "Yes, sort of," admitted Billy.

Heather chuckled.

"That's what everyone thinks. But I promise you, I'm not like that," Heather told him with a smile. Billy smiled back and looked at her.

"I saw your last grade of math. You are pretty smart," Billy complimented her. "I worked very hard for that damn grade," Heather said as she pressed her lips together.

"I wish I was that good at math," Billy said with a sigh. "I can help you," said Heather just a little faster than she wanted to. Billy stared in her eyes with a frown. "If you want, of course."

"Yeah, sounds good," said Billy with a smile. Heather smiled and looked down.

"I had very different thoughts about you," admitted Heather. "Really? What were you thinking about me?" Billy asked with a frown. "That you are an intimidating person and quick to hate everyone," told Heather.

"It is kind of true. I don't like people easily, but I'll make an exception for you," Billy said with a wink. Heather laughed out loud, causing everyone to turn their heads toward Heather, but Heather didn't care.

"Mr. Loomis, Mrs. McCoy. Stop flirting and get to work," snapped the teacher. "Ugh. Says the one who gets a boner from little girls," Heather whispered angrily. Billy frowned in surprise. He hadn't expected that to come out of Heather McCoy's mouth.

Heather saw Billy's gaze and spoke up, "It's true, really. He got a boner from me once and everyone saw it."

"Gross," said Billy in disgust. "I know, right? I'll sue him one day," said Heather as she raised her eyebrows.



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