Chapter 16|Video Store

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Heather walked into the video store while listening to 'Baby one more time' by Britney Spears.

Heather took off her walkman and put the headphones around her neck as soon as she saw a familiar face. 


"Hi, Randy. Jesus, it's busy today," said Heather as she looked at the people around her. "Uh...Hi Heather," said Randy nervously. "What are you doing here?"

"I come to watch you work, to see how hard you work," said Heather sarcastically. "Really?" Randy asked in surprise. "No. I have to get movies from Stu for his party Saturday. Scary movies," Heather told him. 

"Oh yeah. How are you doing now? I mean after the attack on you and Sidney?" Randy asked as he scratched the back of his neck. "I'm fine," answered Heather dryly. 

"So, maybe you want to go to Stu's party together?" Randy asked nervously.

Heather chuckled.

"I'm already going with Billy, if he comes at all. Otherwise, I'm with Stu or the girls, sorry," Heather said with a pout. "It's okay," said Randy with a sigh. 

"But, maybe we can watch a scary movie together sometime. If you like that?" Heather asked with her doe eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Sounds like fun. But won't Billy get mad then?" asked Randy. "It's our little secret," whispered Heather in his ear. "Really?" asked Randy nervously with a red face. 

Heather nodded. 

"I'll see you Saturday, Randy," said Heather as she grabbed some movies and shoved them into her bag. "Yeah, see you Saturday, Heather," muttered Randy as he saw the McCoy girl walk out of the video store. 

"Oh, sorry," sounded a familiar voice as he slapped tapes out of Randy's hand. "Ohh. Dork," muttered Randy irritated.

"Jesus, this place is packed tonight," Stu said to Randy as he looked around. "We had a run in the mass murder section," said Randy as he picked up the tapes from the floor. "Are you coming to my fiesta?" asked Stu. 

"Yeah, I'm off early because curfew you know," Randy told Stu. "What's that werewolf movie with E.T.'s mom in it?" a girl asked Randy.

"The Howling Horror, straight ahead," answered Randy. "Thanks," said the girl as she walked away. "If you're talking about bad taste. I bet Heather doesn't want to watch that movie with me," muttered Randy. 

"I saw you talking to her. Had I interrupted something special?" Stu asked teasingly. "No. But do you think I have a chance with her?" Randy asked Stu. 

Stu started laughing causing people to look at the two of them.  

"You? A chance with Heather McCoy? She's totally in love with Billy, man," Stu said laughing. 

Randy rolled his eyes. He had been expecting that kind of answer.

"Now, that's bad in taste," muttered Randy as he stared at someone in the store. "What?" asked Stu confused. "If you were the only suspect in a senseless massacre, would you be in the horror section?" asked Randy as he pointed at Billy. 

Billy stood in the horror section with girls around him talking to him, but Billy ignored them.  

"What? It was a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything," Stu defended his best friend. "You're such a little lapdog. He has 'killer' printed all over his forehead," scoffed Randy.

"Oh, really? Then how come the cops let him go, smart guy?" Stu asked as he leaned on a cabinet of tapes. "Because they obviously don't watch enough horror movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. Prom night revisited," Randy explained him.  

"Yeah? Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?" Stu asked as he raised an eyebrow. "There's always some stupid reason to kill your girlfriend," hissed Randy. "Oh?" asked Stu.

"That's the beauty of it all, simplicity. Besides, if you get confusing you lose your target audience," Randy explained. "Well, what's his reason?" asked Stu. "Maybe Heather didn't want to have sex with him," whispered Randy. 

"What, is she saving it for you?" asked Stu chuckling. "Maybe. Now that Billy tried to kill her. Do you think Heather would go for me now?" Randy asked Stu in a whisper. 

Stu started laughing again. 

"As I said, buddy. She is totally in love with Billy. No, I totally don't think she will go for you," said Stu laughing. "Do you know who I think it is? I think it's Sidney her father. Why else can't they find him?"

"Because he's probably dead. His body probably pops up somewhere. Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out. The police are always off track with this shit!" Randy shouted angrily. "Man!" Stu shouted back.

"If they had watched Prom Night, they would have saved time. There is a formula to it. A very simple formula! Everyone is a suspect!" shouted Randy. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Randy. 

"I tell you, the father is a red herring. It's Billy."

"How do we know you're not the killer, huh?" asked Billy who stepped up behind Randy. "Hi Billy," stuttered Randy nervously. "Maybe your horror freaked mind has lost its reality button. Ever thought of that?" asked Billy teasingly. 

"You are absolutely right. I am the first to admit it. If this was a scary movie, I was the first suspect," Randy admitted. "What would be your motive?" Stu asked as he grabbed Randy. 

"It is the Millenium. Motifs are incidental," said Randy. ''Millenium", hmm...I like it. That's good, Millenium. Good kid," said Billy with a grin. "Millenium", good word my man," said Stu smiling. 

The two boys walked out the video store. 

"And you're telling me that's not a killer?" Randy asked with a scoff. 



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