Chapter Two

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I don't know how long I was passed out for but everything sounds silent. I'm assuming Axel has left and Collin is probably outside making sure I follow the new restriction. I feel like my stomach has been turned inside out. Maybe because I'm hungry or I'm hung over from changing. Probably both. I hope Collin is late to his post so I can eat without being watched. 

I stand up and let my vision focus on my surroundings.  Before leaving I look in the now broken mirror and see that my jeans have black fur all over them and my shirt is torn apart.  I look like an absolute mess. My black hair has so many nots it looks like I have been attacked by a bird. Thank god I haven't walked out of my den looking like this. Collin would laugh at me and probably humiliate me by telling everyone. As would any immature 17 year old.  

A shower is probably be the best method to fix this disaster. Thankfully my den has a connected bathroom. Sure it had no windows but it's better than nothing. The illumination from the lanterns supplies enough light. 

I make sure to turn the handle to hot. So hot to feel like you're lying in the burning dessert sand. I'm hoping the heat will burn away my emotions of anger and hate for the punishment I have in place at the current moment. I made sure to take the longest time possible to hopefully make it so theres no hot water left for Axel later. I step out of the shower and see how much steam has been created. I love the fresh feeling of being clean. I wipe my hand against the mirror to get rid of the steam clinging to it. 

I look at this person staring back at me. She looks unrecognizable. The shining black hair and green eyes with freckles. I despise my freckles. They look like insect turds on my face. I dry my hair and brush out the nots. I decide to go simple since I won't  be doing anything special today and for a while.  Just some simple jeans, a white shirt and my green hoodie will do. I put my hair up in a simple braid and leave the bathroom. A chill goes down my spine as I leave the steamed room into a normal temperature room. 

I'm not ready to brace Collin but alas I have no other choice. I open the door with my fingers crossed that he wouldn't be there and I'm obviously wrong. Of course he's there. He wouldn't miss being my 'body guard' for the world. 

"Sup Max" He says trying to act all cool. I roll my eyes and continue walking. He catches up with me quickly and follows behind me. He's super good at small talk so I'm prepared for his attempt at a conversation with me.

"You should probably eat something . We wouldn't want you to pass out because of hunger-" he says but I cut him off.  "Oh shut up." I snap. 

"Okay, Jeez someones a little cranky."  

All I have to do is ignore him. I am hungry though. 

"Where are you going anyway?" He asks 

"To find Axel." 

"Whoa, Whoa slow down he's in a meeting Max. We can't disrupt it."

" Why would he be in a meeting at 10 in the morning?"

Collin is probably just playing with me. 

"Max I'm being serious with you. If you want to hear the whole story then let's head to the kitchen, have some food and while we do I'll explain everything."

 I roll my eyes. After blowing up at Axel earlier I don't want to make it worse. "Fine" I mumble trying to make it seem like I'm not curious.  


 I watch Axel disappear around the corner to the boarding room and wish him good luck. Now all I have to do was wait for Max to wake up and come out hopefully with a different mind set, even when I know that the chances of that happening are low. 

I lean against the wall waiting to the point were I think I doze off. Until I hear water running. I'm alarmed at first because my werewolf hearing picked up on it but then I realize it's  just Max getting in the shower. I look at my watch and realize it's only been an hour. At least it wasn't longer because if it had been then I would've been more concerned.

 A little while later I can hear the shower turn off and the shower curtain being cast aside along with her hand wiping against the mirror. I hate how I have the strongest hearing in the whole pack. It does explain why I was chosen to guard her so she doesn't end up leaving again. I hear her step out of the bathroom so I straighten up and get ready to brace myself for her anger. 

She comes out and I say the stupidest thing of all time. "Sup Max." Who the heck am I?! Only an idiot would say that to her! She gives me the silent treatment and just walks passed me like I'm not there. 

I need to try a different approach. I remember what Axel told me, about how I need to make sure she eats something no matter how many times she tells me she's not hungry, so I say "You should probably eat something by the way. We wouldn't want you to pass out because of hunger-" but she cuts me off telling me to shut up halfway through. How rude. 

"Okay Jeez someones a little cranky." 

I thought I  stirred the pot by accident by saying that, but surprisingly she didn't say anything.  I need to know where she's going at least. "Where are you going anyway?" I ask. 

She responds quickly with "To find Axel". No I can't let her do that! If she disrupts the meeting not only will she be in more trouble than she already is but I will also get in a load of trouble for letting her get past me! 

"Whoa, whoa, slow down he's  in a meeting Max. We can't disrupt it." I say frantically hoping that it will stop her. 

"Why the heck would he be in a meeting at 10 in the morning ?" She asks obviously mad. I'm done. If I need to be serious for her to listen to me then so be it.

 "Max I'm being serious with you. If you want to hear the whole story then let's head to the kitchen, eat some food and while we do I'll explain everything." I see her eyes roll but she reply's with "Fine." meaning I have finally gotten through to her. 

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