#1 Those Eyes

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Description: the boys don't know Remus is a werewolf but they've been curious and had their suspicions about Remus for some time.

Remus' oversized jumper, messy hair and tired eyes may have been something many people overlooked as the tall, intelligent boy walked through the halls of Hogwarts but that didn't stop him from feeling like an outsider.

Remus constantly felt like he was being stared at, perhaps due to the fact he was wearing a sweater in summer but it felt more personal when people looked at him, like they were looking for something, he didn't have much more time to think about it when Sirius came up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Good morning Mooney!"

Sirius had been drawn to Remus since the day they met in their first year, he admired Remus' courage and kindness towards everyone he met, he never stopped being astounded at how incredibly smart he was and despite his rather quiet nature Remus was incredibly funny with a sarcastic sense of humor. There first year together Sirius had stood on the table loud enough for everyone to hear and claimed Remus.

Remus rubbed his back where Sirius had landed but continued to walk as if this was normal, Remus had also been drawn to Sirius from day one. Sirius' uplifting, bubbly personality made Remus feel safe among other students who weren't as kind. Sirius was and remained a rebellious personality who enjoyed dragging Remus into his daily shenanigans, something Remus now enjoyed being a part of.

Sirius' morning routine now usually started with finding Remus and thinking of a new nickname to start the day. Remus was surprised he had just called him Mooney today but he smiled anyway.

"Morning Pads"

"How are you sunshine?"

There it is.

"I'm fine, how are you?"

Sirius climbed up so he was now on Remus' shoulders, still shocked at how Remus could carry his body weight with such ease and still walk in a straight line, "I have detention with Slughorn tonight"


"Yeah he thinks I stole ingredients from his cabinet"

"Did you?"

"Yes but that's not the point"

"That's literally the whole point"

"Who's side are you on?!"

Remus rolled his eyes and continued to walk, even though Sirius was on his shoulders, the world felt better with him in it. Remus felt a sense of relief whenever he saw him, it was almost like Sirius himself was Remus' comfort zone.

Sirius was holding onto Remus' shoulders for balance when he noticed a scar on his neck, Remus had never expressed any type of danger to Sirius that could've caused the mark but Sirius did take note of Remus' absence when it came to discussing his family. Surely out of all his friends Remus knew Sirius was the least likely to judge Remus on his home life considering he himself was an unhinged individual.

Sirius looked out at the sky through the large arched doorways that sided the halls, he looked at the faint outline of the moon that was still visible in the morning light, it would be a full moon tonight.


Remus hummed in response

"Would you like to come to detention with me tonight? Slughorn never said I couldn't bring company and he's rather fond of you"

Remus tilted his head so that it was facing straight forward again, "not tonight Pads"

"How come?"

"I don't think Slughorn would like me being there and I- I've got something to do tonight"

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