#3 Quidditch & Coffee

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Haven't written enough for this book and I'm on my lunch break so let's see how much I can write in half an hour.

Description: they don't know each other from school, quidditch is just a sport that Sirius and James happen to play which coincides with the HP universe so it still feels similar, Sirius and James are friends but the "marauders" don't exist in this world, Sirius and Remus are meeting for the first time as young adults.

Remus scanned the library shelves, trying to find the book he had been reading over the last couple of days, the shop keeper telling him it was still on the shelf where he'd left it. He liked to come to this library because it had a cafe connected to it, this meant, especially on days like this one, he could enjoy a hot drink while reading.

Remus found the book and then went to look for a comfy seat, he watched the snow as it hit the glass gracefully, creating piles of white dust along the windowsill.

Remus hadn't paid much attention to the people around him, he knew people stared at him when they saw his scarred face but he had come to live with it. Sometimes people would say things to him, other times they'd whisper but on days like this they remained silent in their own worlds.

Remus had learnt to adapt to the different environments he was in and lucky for him the Scottish winter enabled the choice of wearing long sleeves to hide his arms and scarves to hide his neck, look completely normal.

James and Sirius held their jackets up, trying their best to block out the ice cold wind that was knocking them as they tried to reach the cafe. When they opened the door, the two men stood in the center of the room embracing the warm heat from the fireplace.

James went to find a chair to sit in and Sirius went to order them drinks, he came back over to James who had, with for once good common sense, picked a nice spot near the fire. As they spoke Sirius noted a tall boy sitting on a cushioned chair near him, he observed his features and went to speak when he was cut off by the barista,

"Caramel latte for Remus?"

The boy stood up and walked over to the counter, taking his drink and paying. He had a beautiful smile. Upon closer inspection Sirius realized he had multiple scars on his face, one going straight across his eye and down to his jaw. It was an understatement to say that Sirius was interested in this new stranger.

"Sirius are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah yeah something quidditch something Lily"

James mumbled under his breath, "I actually said Reggie but close enough"
(This is all I got to on my lunch break)
Remus flicked the page before hearing the bell ring as two boys, about his age, walked into the cafe. He looked at both of them curiously and listened as they complained about the weather.

One of them had dark brown hair that was covered in snowflakes, circular black glasses that were accompanied by a pair of warm amber eyes, his skin was golden and his voice was softer as he relaxed into the chair,

"Merlin's beard! It's freezing out there! How are you not shivering?"

"I'm a wolf"

"You're a puppy at best"

The other male smacked the brown haired boy on the head and walked to the counter to order. Remus looked the new character up and down, he was very different to the tan boy that had just sat near him.

Remus admired the man's jet black hair that was tied up half way, the flecks of bright snow illuminating between his polar opposite locks. He was wearing a loose shirt under a thick, black leather jacket that he had now taken off. Remus noticed the selection of tattoos around the man's body, there were ones on his arms, his torso and a large one that followed his spine.

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